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A heart attack, high blood pressure, and other insults can reshape the heart in ways that derail the "beat now" signals that are vital to a healthy heartbeat. The two lower chambers, the right ventricle and left ventricle, should contract and relax together. In many people with heart failure, though, they don't. This loss of synchronized squeezing costs the heart some of its pumping power.
A biventricular pacemaker can fix this problem. It sends carefully timed signals that make the right and left ventricle contract and relax in unison. This is called cardiac resynchronization therapy. Biventricular pacemakers were initially approved for people with severe heart failure. Greater experience with them will almost certainly broaden the population of folks who could benefit from one.
Results of an international trial suggest that combining a biventricular pacemaker with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) — a device that can shock the heart out of a potentially lethal rhythm — helps prevent deaths from sudden cardiac arrest and hospitalizations for heart failure better than an ICD alone (New England Journal of Medicine, Dec. 16, 2010). The downside of this double therapy is an increase in hospitalizations due to problems with the devices.
This dual therapy isn't for everyone with heart failure. Instead, it could be a good option for those with moderate to severe heart failure who have a low ejection fraction (a sign of imperiled pumping in the left ventricle) along with changes on an electrocardiogram that suggest the ventricles aren't beating together (a wide QRS interval). And it definitely isn't a replacement for medications, watching what you eat and drink, and balancing rest and exercise. But in combination with those strategies, a biventricular pacemaker and an ICD can help you feel better by keeping your heart in sync and help you live longer by halting potentially deadly rhythms. 双腔起搏器,治疗心力衰竭
A heart attack, high blood pressure, and other insults can reshape the heart in ways that derail the "beat now" signals that are vital to a healthy heartbeat. The two lower chambers, the right ventricle and left ventricle, should contract and relax together. In many people with heart failure, though, they don't. This loss of synchronized squeezing costs the heart some of its pumping power.
A biventricular pacemaker can fix this problem. It sends carefully timed signals that make the right and left ventricle contract and relax in unison. This is called cardiac resynchronization therapy. Biventricular pacemakers were initially approved for people with severe heart failure. Greater experience with them will almost certainly broaden the population of folks who could benefit from one.
Results of an international trial suggest that combining a biventricular pacemaker with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) — a device that can shock the heart out of a potentially lethal rhythm — helps prevent deaths from sudden cardiac arrest and hospitalizations for heart failure better than an ICD alone (New England Journal of Medicine, Dec. 16, 2010). The downside of this double therapy is an increase in hospitalizations due to problems with the devices.
This dual therapy isn't for everyone with heart failure. Instead, it could be a good option for those with moderate to severe heart failure who have a low ejection fraction (a sign of imperiled pumping in the left ventricle) along with changes on an electrocardiogram that suggest the ventricles aren't beating together (a wide QRS interval).
这个双重治疗,并不是每一位心力衰竭的患者都适用。相反,对于那些有中度到重度的心力衰竭的患者来说,可能是一个较好的选择。中度到重度心力衰竭的患者,其射血分数已经降低。射血分数,即LVEF(Left Ventricular Ejection Fractions),是指:每搏输出量占心室舒张末期容积量的百分比。射血分数与心肌的收缩能力有关,心肌收缩能力越强,则每搏输出量越多,射血分数也越大。对于中度到重度心力衰竭的患者来说,也会在心电图上反映出两心室的跳动情况,即在心电图上表现出一个宽的QRS区间。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-05 00:05