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在美国DETROIT亨利福特医院的医生已开始用”伟哥” Viagra作为一种可能治疗中风的临床试验。 动物试验已表明被数百万人用于治疗性功能障碍的药物能通过帮助伤害的脑子发展新的细胞和血管改进记忆和运动,研究者说。

该临床研究将着重于观测Viagra对已蒙受脑缺血中风病人的影响,这些病人由于动脉血管阻塞而中风。 美国每年发生的700,000例中风有几乎90%是属于脑缺血中风, 他们大都会因中风而长期丧失自理能力乃至死亡。

亨利福特医院的研究的第一期研究,是确定Viagra是否是安全的。 在未来三个月内, 研究将招募84个年龄在18到80之间的患者, 他们患有轻度到中度中风,发病时间不超过三天。

病人将分成七个组, 根据患者容忍药物的程度, 分别给与从25毫克到150毫克的Viagra剂量,。 Viagra治疗性功能障碍的典型剂量是50毫克。

这项研究是基于该医院神经学研究室主任Michael Chopp医生10年以上的实验研究成果。 Chopp医生反复试验过患有中风的啮齿动物,观察它们的记忆和运动能力。 那些给Viagra的动物能够找到一个隐藏的逃跑平台,显示较好的行走状况,独自双向爬格反应灵活,而未经Viagra处理的啮齿动物只是单向行走,找不到逃路。

在另一项研究中,研究从骨头内部的海绵质部分提取一种早期细胞,经纯化再与Viagra联合给动物服用。这种联合疗法生产一个关键的分子,环磷酸鸟苷cyclic guanosine monophosphate。 使用核磁共振和其它试验,Chopp已显示该疗法使啮齿动物受伤害脑子邻近伤害站点处长出(发展)新的细胞,新的血管和新的神经电生理联系。

另据报道:Johns Hopkins 大学医学院的研究人员发现Viagra可以阻止甚至逆转有高血压的小鼠心脏肥大,他们打算进一步观察是否在人体上也有类似的效果。.


“伟哥”的第一适应症发现,带有一定“偶然”因素,被目光敏锐的研究者抓住了机会,使心血管药项目首发成了治疗性功能障碍的神奇药物。“伟哥”新的适应症发掘也许不再是带有偶然性色彩。 希望治疗中风临床试验能获得满意结果,毕竟这还是医学的一大难题,全球数百万患者急盼“救命药”

西方的医生在开发新的临床适应症,即“老药新用”方面,可谓不遗余力,建树累累,在中国,尽管有这么丰富的临床资源,但由于受经费经验缺乏,药厂介入少和SFDA在临床试验方面的种种限制,没有能够让临床医生施展宏图。如果医生在看病之余,能更多地关注临床用药的情况,医院的临床药理研究能加大力度,药厂能更多地介入和支持临床医生的创新研究, SFDA能在“老药新用”或新制剂开发方面能给予更多的鼓励支持和灵活宽松环境,(FDA对医院医生启动的探索性临床研究,与药厂启动的临床试验会有区别对待)中国也许会出更多诸如维甲酸和三氧化二砷这样的世界公认的临床研究成果

Doctors Study Viagra As Stroke Treatment

DETROIT - Doctors at Henry Ford Hospital here have begun studying Viagra as a possible treatment for strokes. Animal tests have indicated the sexual performance drug used by millions of men can improve memory and movement by helping injured brains develop new cells and blood vessels, researchers said.
The study will focus on Viagra's effect on people who have suffered ischemic strokes, which are caused by blocked arteries. Nearly 90 percent of the 700,000 strokes that occur yearly in the United States are ischemic, and they often cause long-term disability and death.
The Ford Hospital study is a so-called phase one study, the earliest stage of research, to determine whether Viagra is safe. The study will enroll 84 patients ages 18 to 80 with mild-to-moderate complications in the first three days of a stroke over the next three months.

Seven groups of patients will get doses of Viagra ranging from 25 milligrams to 150 milligrams, depending on how well patients tolerate the drug. A typical dose of Viagra for sexual activity is 50 milligrams.
The study follows more than 10 years of laboratory research by Michael Chopp, chief of neurology research at Ford Hospital, the Detroit Free Press reported in Thursday editions.
Chopp gave memory and movement tasks to rodents who had strokes. Those given Viagra were able to find a hidden escape platform, showed better footing walking over elevated grids and turned in both directions, instead of the singular direction taken by rodents who had strokes but were not given Viagra.
Other research extracted an early type of cell from the inner, spongy part of bone, purified it and administered it to animals given Viagra. The combined therapy produced a key molecule, cyclic guanosine monophosphate. Using magnetic resonance imaging and other tests, Chopp has shown that the therapy caused the brains of injured rodents to develop new cells, new blood vessels and new electrical connections near injury sites.







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-05-01 17:14