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Exercise Linked To Less Depression And Anxiety
A UK study suggests that regular intense physical exercise is linked with lower rates of depression and anxiety in men up to five years later.
The findings are published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
While some studies have shown links between reduced incidence of mild depression and regular physical exercise, many scientists cannot agree on whether physically active people are less likely to have depression and anxiety.
Research showing positive effects of exercise on heart health is already well established.
Researchers from the University of Bristol and Cardiff University, led by Dr Nicola J. Wiles, looked at the link between leisure time and work-related physical activity and common mental disorder, which is defined anxiety and depression.
来自布里斯托尔大学和加的夫大学的研究人员,在Nicola J. Wiles博士的带领下,探讨了休闲体育活动和工作性体育活动与一种被称为抑郁和焦虑的常见精神疾病之间的关系。
They used data on 1,158 middle-aged men in Caerphilly, South Wales, who were followed for ten years from 1989.
The men filled in questionnaires about the amount of physical activity involved in their work and leisure time at the start of the study, and they completed questionnaires about anxiety and depression three times over the 10 year follow up.
The questionnaire used to assess physical activity was the Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire, and the mental health questionnaire was the General Health Questionnaire.
The researchers found that:
-- The men who participated in any heavy-intensity leisure-time activity (eg running or playing football) were less likely to have depression or anxiety over the next 5 years compared with less active men.
-- The effect was small but significant, and had worn off at the 10-year mark.
-- Intense physical activity at work made no difference.
In speculating on their results, Dr Wiles and colleagues said they were consistent with other studies looking at exercise and mild depression. They saw two reasons why these results occur.
One is the direct effect that exercise produces chemicals in the brain that affect mood, and the other is the indirect impact through enhanced body image and self-esteem.
Doctors are increasingly prescribing exercise as a way to get their sedentary patients more active. 医生们越来越多的开出运动处方,以让久坐的病人更加活跃。
A recent paper published in the Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management by two family doctors, Caroline Richardson and Thomas Schwenk, from the University of Michigan Health System lists some practical tips for primary care clinicians.
来自密歇根大学健康系统的两位家庭医生Caroline Richardson和Thomas Schwenk最近在《临床成果管理杂志》上发表了一篇论文,为一级护理临床医生列出了一些实用的技巧。
They suggest doctors write prescriptions for the type and duration of exercise their patients should undertake. Doctors could use techniques such as motivational interviewing in which the "physician helps patients explore their barriers to behavior change and to find ways to overcome these barriers".





作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-11-27 17:11