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Mental health researchers at The Australian National University have found that brief Internet-based interventions for depression are not only immediately effective, but have a significant positive long-term benefit that may be as effective as active psychotherapies.
The yet-to-be-published findings by Professors Helen Christensen and Andrew Mackinnon and Dr Kathy Griffiths at the Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) at ANU demonstrate that the Internet is can, in some cases, be as effective for the treatment of depression as treatments involving direct human contact.
CMHR is a leader in the development and provision of mental health information and intervention via the Internet and has developed an online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) site, moodgym.anu.edu.au, and a psychoeducation bluepages.anu.edu.au, are accessed free of charge and anonymously by hundreds of thousands of users around the world. BluePages provides information about a range of psychological, medical and alternative treatments and recommends those supported by scientific evidence.
The study evaluated the effectiveness of the two websites 12-months from initial contact. While a number of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of internet interventions for depression, the ANU study is the first one to look at the longer term effectiveness of online treatment.
Professor Christensen said the study found that improvement in symptoms among users of MoodGYM and BluePages was maintained at 12 months, and in the case of depression, there was greater improvement over the longer term.
"For people who had higher levels of depression at the outset, we found that BluePages in particular provided greater average benefit after 12 months," Professor Christensen said.
"We don't know exactly why the internet interventions are so effective in the longer term, but it may be that there is a reduction in use of ineffective and potentially damaging treatments. It may also be that the information on the websites really only becomes effective once people have put into place the treatments and practices recommended.
"The findings also suggest that brief interventions may have a lasting positive effect on people struggling with depression - an outcome that may seem counter-intuitive given the lack of human support and low level of human interaction. But we do have evidence in other areas as well that such brief interventions can be very helpful."
Professor Christensen said that the internet provided an effective way to reaching people struggling with mental health in rural and remote areas, as well as providing easy access to information to the over 60% of people affected by mental health problems don't seek or receive any professional help. 认领此篇~ Internet of long-term benefit for depression
Mental health researchers at The Australian National University have found that brief Internet-based interventions for depression are not only immediately effective, but have a significant positive long-term benefit that may be as effective as active psychotherapies.
澳大利亚国立大学的精神卫生研究员发现:针对抑郁症的基于互联网的短期干预,不但有短期效应,还有重要的积极的远期益处,其可能与(有效的) 整理完成,向sina投稿,也请各位战友帮助更正! 一点小建议:
that may be as effective as active psychotherapies可能与积极的心理疗法具有同样效果。
the ANU study is the first one to look at the longer term effectiveness of online treatment. 澳大利亚国立大学仍是探究在线治疗长期效应的首创者。
the treatments and practices recommended按照推荐的治疗或练习方法做时才发挥作用
"The findings also suggest that brief interventions may have a lasting positive effect on people struggling with depression - an outcome that may seem counter-intuitive given the lack of human support and low level of human interaction. But we do have evidence in other areas as well that such brief interventions can be very helpful."“该研究还提示短暂的干预可能对积极配合治疗的患者有持续性的疗效,可是这种情况下又缺乏人与人之间的相互支持和影响,这似乎是一个违反直觉的结果。但在其他领域内我们确实有证据表明这种短暂的干预也是非常有益的。”
Professor Christensen said that the internet provided an effective way to reaching people struggling with mental health in rural and remote areas, as well as providing easy access to information to the over 60% of people affected by mental health problems don't seek or receive any professional help.
Christensen教授说,这种在线治疗为偏远乡村与精神疾病抗争的患者提供了一个有效的方法,也为超过60%的受精神疾病所累的未寻求或接受任何专业帮助的患者提供了一个获取信息的捷径。 谢谢wumingyi555 战友的指点,经wumingyi555 战友的润色,真的通顺了许多,再次感谢!~
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-12-27 05:14