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Eating More Fruit and Vegetables Is Linked to a Lower Risk of Dying from Ischemic Heart Disease
ScienceDaily (Jan. 19, 2011) — A European study investigating the links between diet and disease has found that people who consume more fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of dying from ischaemic heart disease -- the most common form of heart disease and one of the leading causes of death in Europe. However, the authors point out that a higher fruit and vegetable intake occurs among people with other healthy eating habits and lifestyles, and that these factors could also be associated with the lower risk of dying from IHD.
Male subfertility affects one in 20 men. Chemicals called reactive oxygen species (ROS) are said to cause damage to cells, and in particular sperm cells, which may result in lowered sperm counts and interfere with their ability to fertilise eggs. Antioxidants include natural and synthetic chemicals, including certain vitamins and minerals, which help to reduce the damage caused by ROS.
The review focused on 34 trials involving 2,876 couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilisation and sperm injections. Most men in the trials had low sperm counts or low sperm motility. The trials explored the use of many different types of oral antioxidants, including vitamin E, L-carnitine, zinc and magnesium.
Compared to controls, a couple was more likely to have a pregnancy or live birth if the man took antioxidants. However, these results are based on just 964 of the couples in the review for pregnancies and 214 couples for live births. Other trials tested the effects of antioxidants on sperm motility and concentration and showed mostly positive effects, although study group sizes were small.
"When trying to conceive as part of an assisted reproductive program, it may be advisable to encourage men to take oral antioxidant supplements to improve their partners' chances of becoming pregnant," said lead researcher Marian Showell, who works in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand. "However, these conclusions are currently based on limited evidence."
There were not enough data comparing different antioxidants to reach any conclusions about the relative effectiveness of supplements. "We need more head-to-comparisons to understand whether any one antioxidant is performing better than any other," said Showell. 医药新知_39健康问答_39健康网对这一遗传性缺陷的认识有助于帮助这类儿童采取预防性措施. GST参与对环境烟草中... 如果需要,也可选择服用合适的药物. 挪威科学家进行的一项长达20年的跟踪研究表明,...ask.39.net/...tion/645046.html-2004-09-07-快照-医药新知_39健康问答_39健康网" 医药新知对这一遗传性缺陷的认识有助于帮助这类儿童采取预防性措施. GST参与对环境烟草中... 如果需要,也可选择服用合适的药物. 回答医生: 挪威科学家进行的一项长达20年的跟踪...www.chinesebaojian.com/...120/-2010-01-06-快照-医药新知"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-23 00:50