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Fatty Fast Food, Idleness May Vex Liver

Enzyme Levels Quickly Rise In Subjects Who Supersize Theselves From Diet, Lack of Exercise Fatty Fast Food, Idleness May Vex Liver

Enzyme Levels Quickly Rise In Subjects Who Supersize Theselves From Diet, Lack of Exercise

(WebMD) Consistently overdoing it at the fast-food counter and leading an idle life may not bode well for the liver, not to mention the waist size.
So say Swedish researchers who studied 18 lean, healthy students - mainly medical students - who agreed to supersize themselves for science's sake.

The students were asked to gain 5% to 15% of their body weight in a month by eating at least two daily meals at fast-food restaurants and adopting a sedentary lifestyle. Their fast-food diet featured hamburgers and other foods high in saturated animal fat. The researchers reimbursed the cost of those meals.
 学生被要求每天至少在快餐餐馆吃两次以一个月内增重他们体重的5% 至15%,并过着一种无所事事的生活。他们的快餐饮食特色:汉堡包和含有高饱和脂肪的其它食物。研究员偿还了那些饮食的费用。

Before-and-after measurements show a ballooning of the students' weight, waist, fat, and liver enzymes.
On average, the students gained 14 pounds, added 2.6 inches to their waistline, and padded their body fat percentage by 3.7% during the study.
 研究期间,平均每个学生体重增加了14 磅,腰围增粗了2.6 英寸,体脂垫增加了3.7%
Blood samples provided by the students throughout the study show a spike in levels of the liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT). ALT levels rose quickly - typically within a week - after the students started the fast-food diet.

High ALT levels can be a sign of liver damage. But other tests show that most of the students didn't develop fatty liver disease during the month-long study.
 丙氨酸氨基转移酶增高的可能是肝脏受损的标志。但其它试验证明, 大多学生在一个月的研究期间没有得脂肪肝病。

The researchers - who included Fredrik Nystrom, MD, PhD, of Sweden's University Hospital of Linkoping - aren't focused on the occasional burger, but on a habitual pattern of being idle and overeating fattening foods from any source.
 包括瑞典的林克平大学医院Fredrik Nystrom博士在内的研究员认为:偶尔吃一个汉堡也许没事,整天无所事事和暴饮暴食任何来源的育肥食物可能会导致肝脏受损。

The study, published in the advance online edition of Gut, doesn't show which was more damaging - bingeing on fatty food or being sedentary. And it doesn't mean that all fast-food meals are bad choices. It's possible to make healthier choices at many fast-food chains.
 研究结果发表在最新一期消化道期刊网络版上, 不知道哪一个是更加损伤肝脏-大量食用脂肪食品或无所事事的生活。但它不意味所有快餐食品是坏选择。而会促使人们在许多快餐连锁店中做出更加健康的选择。
 参与研究的学生被要求每天至少在快餐餐馆吃两次以一个月内增重他们体重的5% 至15%,并过着一种无所事事的生活。他们的快餐饮食特色:汉堡包和含有高饱和脂肪的其它食物。研究员偿还了那些饮食的费用。随后的测量显示学生的体重量,腰部,脂肪和肝酶迅速增加。平均每个学生体重增加了14 磅,腰围增粗了2.6 英寸,体脂垫增加了3.7%。由学生提供的血样表明肝丙氨酸转氨酶的变化。在学生开始了快餐饮食后不到一个星期之内,丙氨酸氨基转移酶迅速增高。丙氨酸氨基转移酶增高的可能是肝脏受损的标志。但其它测试表明, 大多学生在一个月的研究期间没有得脂肪肝病。
 包括瑞典的林克平大学医院Fredrik Nystrom博士在内的研究员认为:偶尔吃一个汉堡也许没事,整天无所事事和暴饮暴食任何来源的育肥食物可能会导致肝脏受损。研究结果发表在最新一期消化道期刊网络版上, 不知道哪一个是更加损伤肝脏-大量食用脂肪食品还是过着无所事事的生活。但它不意味所有快餐食品是坏选择。而会促使人们在许多快餐连锁店中做出更加健康的选择。 写得不错,以前很少看这方面得文章呀,看来以后要少吃洋快餐了 很好的内容,谢谢楼主翻译。 应该研究吃火锅后的肝功能 火锅超多油,尤其是麻辣的~~ 为了健康,只好少光顾肯德基了 for science's sake 为科研目的而...



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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-14 17:14