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各位翻译专业文献的战友辛苦了,你们都是最可爱的人! 最近在动态版新开贴的文章,我们只要在这里提供“标题+链接”就可以了,引导大家到原贴中进行讨论,大家看怎么样? 昨晚躲地震,现在大脑一片模糊。下列翻译多有不对之处望指正。
116: Psychiatry Res. 2008 Mar 15;158(2):164-71. Epub 2008 Feb 6.

Modification effects of coping on post-traumatic morbidity among earthquake rescuers.

Chang CM, Lee LC, Connor KM, Davidson JR, Lai TJ.

Department of Psychiatry and Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.

This study aims to investigate the modification effects of coping strategies on the relationships between rescue effort and psychiatric morbidity (i.e. general psychiatric morbidity and post-traumatic morbidity) in earthquake rescue workers. Firefighters (n=193) who were involved in the rescue effort after the Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake were invited to complete a questionnaire which contained questions on demographics, exposure to rescue work, general psychiatric morbidity, post-traumatic morbidity, and coping strategies. Multivariate regression models with interaction terms were carried out to investigate the modification effect of coping strategies on the relationships between rescue effort and psychiatric morbidities. Older age and longer job experiences (>3 years) were associated with both general psychiatric and post-traumatic morbidities. Coping strategies such as confrontive coping, distancing, seeking social support, accepting responsibility, escape-avoidance, planful problem solving, and positive appraisal significantly modified the effect of exposure to dead bodies on general psychiatric morbidity. Furthermore, confrontive coping, distancing, and planned problem solving significantly modified the effect of exposure to direct rescue involvement on general psychiatric morbidity. However, coping strategies were not observed to buffer the effect of rescue involvement or contact with dead bodies on post-traumatic morbidity. More frequent use of coping strategies could reduce the effect that exposure to rescue efforts has on the incidence of general psychiatric morbidity in rescue workers. However, coping strategies do not seem to reduce the influence of such exposure on trauma-related morbidities. This suggests that coping strategies can be used to prevent general psychiatric morbidity but not trauma-related morbidities.

Publication Types:

* Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 18258306 [PubMed - in process]
116:精神病学研究 2008年3月15日;158卷2期:164—71.


作者:Chang CM, Lee LC, Connor KM, Davidson JR, Lai TJ.

台湾台中市,中山医学大学医学院, 医学研究院和精神病系

这项研究的目的在于调研地震救援工作中的援救活动的成就和精神发病率 (就是说一般精神病和创伤后遗发病率)的对应策略。在台湾集集大地震中参与救援活动的消防队员(193个)被邀完成一份包含人口统计学、曝露的救援工作、一般精神病发病率、创伤遗后发病率以及应对策略的调查表。用交互作用的多元性回归模型进行救援工作的成就和精神病发病率之间关系的应对策略的调查。年长的和年青的(>3岁)工作经验与一般精神病和创伤遗后发病率两者是相关的。应对策略如像对抗性应对、心理疏导、寻求社会支持、承担责任、逃脱与回避、有计划的解决问题以及尸体暴露对一般精神病发病率影响的显著改进的肯定性评估。此外,对抗性应对、心理疏导、有计划解决问题的明显改进其直接暴露的援救效果涉及到一般性精神病性病率。然而,应对策略不能看出尸体与创伤后遗发病率之间的缓冲效果。频繁使用应对策略能够减少援救活动中援救人员的一般精神病发病率。然而,应对策略似乎不会减少与创伤相关的发病率的影响。建议应对策略能用于预防一般精神病发病但不能用于创伤相关的发病。
胭脂 wrote:
http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/post/view?bid=116&id=11875606&sty=1&tpg=1&age=0 汇014地震幸存者创伤心理治疗效果Effectiveness of psychoeducation intervention 2008
摘要部分 Effectiveness of psychoeducation intervention on post-traumatic stress disorder and
coping styles of earthquake survivors
Aims and objectives. The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of a
psychoeducation intervention based on Peplau’s approach, including problemsolving
compared with intervention with medication on post-traumatic stress




作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-11-03 17:11