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May 19, 2008 — 2:35pm ET
by Tracy Staton and Maureen Martino
Few statistics are as hotly debated as CEO pay reports. Investors, analysts, and the just plain curious all want to know how much the head honcho makes--and how one company's chief stacks up against another's. So here for your rubbernecking pleasure are the 17 highest-paid CEOs in Big Pharma. While the names themselves probably won't be a surprise, their pecking order might. For instance, the biggest drugmaker by sales--Pfizer--doesn't have the highest-paid executive, and one of the relatively small fry counts its chief among the top 10.
We've already ranked CEO pay at the industry's top five biotechs, but it's worth noting that if they had been included on this list, Amgen's Kevin Sharer and Genentech's Arthur Levinson would have ranked fifth and sixth behind Wyeth's Bob Essner. Genzyme's Henri Termeer made $14.6 million in 2007, coming in ahead of Merck's Richard Clark, and Gilead's John Martin made $10.8 million, slightly less than Roche's Humer.
For U.S. companies, FiercePharma's numbers are based on total compensation reported in their proxy statements. The numbers include base salary, bonus and "other" compensation in 2007. For overseas companies not required to file proxies in the U.S., we gleaned executive pay information from various press reports. Though we did as much due diligence as we could to make sure these reported totals were apples-to-apples comparisons, there's a chance we may have missed something. Feel free to let us know.
1. Miles White - Abbott - $33.4M
2. Fred Hassan - Schering-Plough - $30.1M
3. Bill Weldon - Johnson & Johnson - $25.1M
4. Bob Essner - Wyeth - $24.1M
5. Robert Parkinson - Baxter - $17.6M
6. Daniel Vasella - Novartis - $15.5M
7. Richard Clark - Merck - $14.5M
8. Frank Baldino - Cephalon - $13.5M
9. Sidney Taurel - Eli Lilly - $13M
10. Jeff Kindler - Pfizer - $12.6M
11. Jim Cornelius - Bristol-Myers Squibb - $11.3
12. Franz Humer - Roche - $11.1M
13. Robert Coury - Mylan - $8.5M
14. Jean-Pierre Garnier - GlaxoSmithKline - $6M
15. Werner Wenning - Bayer - $4.77M
16. David Brennan - AstraZeneca - $4.3M
17. Gerard Le Fur - Sanofi-Aventis - $3.27M 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。
呵呵,昨天值夜班去了,让大家久等了!不好意思啦! 快点翻译过来啊! Top 17 Paychecks in Big Pharma
May 19, 2008 — 2:35pm ET
by Tracy Staton and Maureen Martino
作者:Tracy Staton和Maureen Martino
Few statistics are as hotly debated as CEO pay reports. Investors, analysts, and the just plain curious 大制药公司中的17笔最高薪酬
作者:Tracy Staton和Maureen Martino
很少有统计数字会获得如同首席执行官(CEO)的薪酬报告一样的激烈辩论。 不论是投资者、分析师,还是好奇的老百姓都想知道大老板赚多少以及一个公司的首席如何同另一个公司的首席较量。因此为了满足您的好奇欲,这里是大制药公司中的17位薪酬最高的首席执行官们。虽然他们的名字可能不会令人感到惊奇,但是他们的排列顺序却可能会。举例来说,辉瑞制药作为最大的销售制药商,其首席执行官的薪酬并不是最高的,而只是一个相对较小的群体(薪酬前十名)的其中之一。
对于美国公司, FiercePharma的统计是基于其在代理处声明的报酬总额。 这些统计的内容包括了2007年的基础薪水、奖金和其他补偿等。对于没有要求在美国设置档案代理的海外公司,我们通过各种新闻报道搜集其高管薪酬资料。尽管我们做了非常尽职的调查,以确保这些报道总数具有可比性,但是我们仍有可能会不妥之处,望不吝赐教。
1. 雅培公司- MilesWhite - 3340万美元
2.先灵葆雅公司- FredHassan - 3010万美元
3.强生公司- BillWeldon - 2510万美元
4.惠氏公司- BobEssner - 2410万美元
5.百特公司- RobertParkinson - 1760万美元
6.诺华公司- DanielVasella - 1550万美元
7.默沙东公司- RichardClark - 1450万美元
8.赛福龙公司- FrankBaldino - 1350万美元
9.礼来公司- SidneyTaurel - 1300万美元
10.辉瑞公司- JeffKindler - 1260万美元
11.百时美施贵宝公司- JamesCornelius - 1130万美元
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-17 18:01