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The moderate, daily consumption of beer and other alcohol beverages can play a role in a healthful lifestyle and in reducing the risk of several serious diseases, including coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cognitive disorders and osteoporosis, according to medical and scientific researchers who presented papers at a recent conference on the role of beer and alcohol in a healthful lifestyle.
The conference, “Beer: To Your Health!” convened by the University of Maryland Center for Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Policy (CFNAP), was the first of its kind in the United States to focus on the health benefits of beer.
“I was surprised to see how much research exists about the regular, moderate consumption of beer and other alcohol beverages and that there are many positive health benefits,” said Maureen L. Storey, PhD, director of CFNAP. “Some of the top researchers in the world on this topic provided very compelling evidence and agreed that the government and medical communities should consider stronger and more positive communications to the public.”
CFNAP的主任 Maureen L. Storey博士说:"我很惊讶地看到这么多有关适度饮酒的研究,许多研究表明适度饮酒有利于健康。有些国际顶级专家能提供非常令人信服的证据并同意政府及医学界应积极向公众介绍这类信息。
“Study after study has shown that moderate consumers of beer or other alcoholic beverages have much lower risks of coronary heart disease, as well as most other diseases of aging,” said Dr. R. Curtis Ellison, chief of the Section of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology and director of the Institute on Lifestyle and Health at Boston University School of Medicine. “In fact it has been shown that the net effect of moderate drinking in conjunction with four other components of a healthy lifestyle …not-smoking, getting exercise, eating a healthy diet, not being obese… is a reduction of more than 80% in the risk of two of the major health problems of today- coronary heart disease and diabetes.”
波士顿大学医学院流行病学和预防医学研究所所长兼健康与生活方学会会长R. Curtis Ellison说:"一次又一次的研究表明,适度消费者啤酒或其它酒精饮料的危险已经大大降低冠心病和其他大多数老年性疾病的发病率,事实已经证明:适度饮酒与不吸烟、积极锻炼、关注饮食、不肥胖四项健康生活方式相结合可以减少80%以上冠心病和糖尿病的发病率,在两个疾病是当代人类健康的主要敌。”
Ellison also said that frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, including daily, is preferable to drinking less often. But moderation is the key. “Heavy drinking and binge drinking, which can be defined as consuming more than 3 drinks in one to two hours, is an unhealthy way to drink.”
Ellison接着说每天频繁饮酒的人最好减少频率. 但适度是关键,饮酒过度和酗酒对健康是不利的,这里饮酒过度指1到2小时之内就要饮3次酒。"
Ellison cited studies from Denmark and Switzerland that estimated that if everyone in the population was a moderate drinker, there would be many fewer deaths than if everyone abstained from alcohol. ”We are not telling people to drink more (alcoholic beverages), but encouraging more people who do not have a contraindication to alcohol to drink small amounts on a regular basis,” Ellison added.
Other researchers reported:
* Compared with nondrinkers, moderate drinkers of beer and other alcoholic beverages had a 33%-56% reduction in risk for diabetes, according to Andrea A. Howard, MS of the Montefiore Medical Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, while compared with moderate drinkers, heavy drinkers had up to a 43% greater risk.
纽约爱因斯坦医学院Montefiore 医学中心的 Andrea A. Howard MD报道:“*适度饮酒的人与戒酒的人比较得糖尿病的风险降低33%-56%,汹酒的人与适度饮酒的人相比,风险则增加了43%的高风险。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-06-27 05:17