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论文作者:Mariko Mori***a 期刊:《先进药物输送评论》
相关论文发表在2007年12月22日的爱思唯尔期刊《先进药物输送评论》(Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews)上。(科学新闻杂志 周媛媛/编译)
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=300 height=202 title="Click to view full 1.jpg (300 X 202)" border=0 align=absmiddle> Current challenges in non-invasive insulin delivery systems: A comparative review
El-Sayed Khafagya, Mariko Mori***a, a, , Yoshinori Onukia and Kozo Takayamaa
aDepartment of Pharmaceutics, Hoshi University, Ebara 2-4-41, Shinagawa, Tokyo 142-8501, Japan
Received 23 March 2007; accepted 16 August 2007. Available online 22 August 2007.
The quest to eliminate the needle from insulin delivery and to replace it with non- or less-invasive alternative routes has driven rigorous pharmaceutical research to replace the injectable forms of insulin. Recently, various approaches have been studied involving many strategies using various technologies that have shown success in delivering insulin, which are designed to overcome the inherent barriers for insulin uptake across the gastrointestinal tract, mucosal membranes and skin. This review examines some of the many attempts made to develop alternative, more convenient routes for insulin delivery to avoid existing long-term dependence on multiple subcutaneous injections and to improve the pharmacodynamic properties of insulin. In addition, this article concentrates on the successes in this new millennium in developing potential non-invasive technologies and devices, and on major new milestones in modern insulin delivery for the effective treatment of diabetes.
Keywords: Non-invasive delivery system; Modern insulin delivery; Administration routes; Marketed products; Formulation technologies; Future patents
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The quest to eliminate the needle from insulin delivery and to replace it with non- or less-invasive alternative routes has driven rigorous pharmaceutical research to replace the injectable forms of insulin.
Recently, various approaches have been studied involving many strategies using various technologies that have shown success in delivering insulin, which are designed to overcome the inherent barriers for insulin uptake across the gastrointestinal tract, mucosal membranes and skin.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-05-28 05:14