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Alcohol and tobacco `worse' than dope
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than marijuana or ecstasy, according to a new British study.
In research published Friday in The Lancet magazine, David Nutt of Bristol University and colleagues propose a framework for classifying harmful substances based on the actual risks to society. Their ranking has alcohol and tobacco among the 10 most dangerous.
They used three factors to determine harm associated with any drug: physical harm to the user, potential for addiction, and the impact on society of drug use.
They asked two groups of experts - psychiatrists specializing in addiction and legal or police officials with special expertise - to assign scores to 20 drugs, including heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines and LSD.
The team then calculated overall rankings. In the end, the experts agreed with each other - but not with the existing classification of substances.
Heroin and cocaine were most dangerous, followed by barbiturates and street methadone. Alcohol was the fifth- most harmful drug and tobacco the ninth. Cannabis came in 11th, and near the bottom of the list was ecstasy.
According to existing British drug policy, alcohol and tobacco are legal, while cannabis and ecstasy are illegal. "The current drug system is ill thought- out and arbitrary," said Nutt, referring to the practice of assigning drugs to three divisions, ostensibly based on the drugs' potential for harm.
Tobacco causes 40 percent of all hospital illnesses, while alcohol is blamed for more than half of all visits to hospital emergency rooms. The substances also harm society in other ways, damaging families and occupying police services.
Nutt hopes their paper will provoke debate about how drugs - including alcohol - should be regulated.
"This is a landmark paper," said Leslie Iversen, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University. "It is the first real step toward an evidence-based classification of drugs." Based on the paper's results, he added, alcohol and tobacco could not be excluded.
"The rankings also suggest the need for better regulation of the more harmful drugs that are currently legal, [like] tobacco and alcohol," wrote Wayne Hall, of the University of Queensland in an accompanying Lancet article.
Nutt also called for more education on drugs. "All drugs are dangerous," he said. "Even the ones people know and love and use every day." ASSOCIATED PRESS 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领 Alcohol and tobacco `worse' than dope
喝酒与吸烟比吸毒更“有害” 喝酒有神经系统的损伤,在农村有不少酒鬼,不吃饭也要喝酒,打老婆,有一些都家破人亡!我还以为是假酒中毒的,有那个部门在乎这些慢性损伤啊! 从我接诊的患有高血压的病人看,除了女性,绝大一部分的男性饮酒频率高,量大,大多数人在饮酒后或是连续的饮酒后出现明显的症状后就诊增加,且引发心脑等病变而治疗或是住院。我们每天都在从新闻报道上了解到关于饮酒后出事的情况。饮酒成为一大社会问题。但酒文化数千年的历史已经深入人们根基的生活,恐怕短时难以摆脱。许多患有高血压的病人,一边是酒,一边是治疗高血压及相关病症的药物,难以协调而又难以取舍,及其矛盾而又习以为常。女性高血压一部分与雌性激素变化有关。 酒精有时候是个好东西,但要掌握一个度,凡是过度了就成了毒品了,其实任何东西都是一样.希望对酒有特殊爱好的朋友珍惜自己的生命,不要过度! 我现在一个人在外地,以前不抽烟,现在也是经常吸,看来要戒了 。酒确实可以适当喝一些。 好在,我喝酒,但不吸烟,二手烟免不了啊 适当喝酒我觉得没什么啊! 烟要尽量少抽 很有意义的文章 哎 可是我发现有很多给 我们讲课的医生上课的时候给我们讲着吸烟的危害,下课时,却在吸烟 无节制的喝酒吸烟可以不受任何法律限制,而受害的是相当大的一部分人群,悲哀呀!
诊疗常规 wrote:
翻译的真不错,看来以后,知识面也能拓宽,翻译上也能受益. 吸烟先不说,喝酒应该不至于,酗酒勉强可以算。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-05-08 05:11