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Glucosamine in Doubt for Hip Pain

Many people suffering from osteoarthritis of the hip rely on their daily dose of glucosamine to help them make it smoothly and painlessly through the day. A recent study suggests the glucosamine might not be that effective after all.

According to study spokesperson Rianna Rozendaal, MSc, of the Erasmus Medical Center in The Netherlands, patients in a controlled trial study of the effects of glucosamine sulfate versus a placebo did not get any better relief from the glucosamine sulfate than patients receiving the placebo instead.

Pain and function were measured before, during, and after the trial with focus on the hip only. The narrowing of joint space in the hip was also measured at intervals using a weight-bearing anteroposterior hip x-ray. No other joints were included in the study.

Each patient who received glucosamine sulfate took 1,500 mg/day for two years. All study participants were in the early stages of osteoporosis of the hip.

Final analysis identified the rate of improvement as insignificant between patients receiving glucosamine sulfate and those receiving the placebo.

During the study, 15 of the 222 study participants underwent hip replacement surgeries, which made analysis a bit complicated.

Critics of the study praised the methods but expressed concerns with other issues, such as the expected rate of cartilage reduction and the fact that only the hip joint was studied. It was suggested the study might have produced different results if it had been extended for another year or if patients with more severe osteoarthritis were studied instead.

As the debate continues, the February 19 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine carries the full story.

http://medheadlines.com/2008/02/19/glucosamine-in-doubt-for-hip-pain/ 葡萄糖胺是动物及人体内的一种胺基糖,是以具有黏度的黏多糖成分(是一种多糖体的组成成分)存在于软骨与结缔组织的各处,也是形成软骨细胞最重要的营养素之一。 人類與動物都可以在體內自行合成葡萄胺,只是隨著年齡的增加,合成的速度趕不上分解的速度,於是發生體內及關節缺乏葡萄胺的現象,進而影響關節內細胞的新陳代謝。 人类与动物都可以在体内自行合成葡萄胺,只是随着年龄的增加,合成的速度赶不上分解的速度,于是发生体内及关节缺乏葡萄胺的现象,进而影响关节内细胞的新陈代谢。

葡萄糖胺在體內會被分解成為胺基酸,可以轉換成半乳糖,也可以轉換成軟骨素。 葡萄糖胺在体内会被分解成为胺基酸,可以转换成半乳糖,也可以转换成软骨素。 藉由自然界葡萄糖胺的補充,可以促進體內蛋白多糖以及膠原蛋白的製造,補充關節滑液,並提供受傷後關節恢復健康軟骨組織所必須的材料。 藉由自然界葡萄糖胺的补充,可以促进体内蛋白多糖以及胶原蛋白的制造,补充关节滑液,并提供受伤后关节恢复健康软骨组织所必须的材料。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]






【Cancer cell】一蛋白质受

作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-13 05:14