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Main Category: Arthritis News
Article Date: 10 Jan 2007 - 0:00 PST
It happens to all of us: joint pain from a lifetime of lifting, bending and normal wear and tear. Beyond medication, there are steps you can take to relieve stress while going about your daily activities. Here's what you can do, from a world leader in arthritis care.
If you've lived long enough, inflammation in the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist can cause pain, swelling and limited motion. If you have joint pain or suffer from arthritis, no doubt you've already been prescribed medication by your doctor to reduce these symptoms. But there's a lot you can do yourself apart from taking your medication to lessen joint pain. Following are some time-proven steps from a newsletter called Arthritis Advisor, brought to you by Cleveland Clinic. (For more information, click on http://www.arthritis-advisor.com)
1.Control your weight. Obesity puts extra stress on weight-bearing joints, such as the back, hips, knees and feet.
2. Be aware of body position, using good posture to protect your back and the joints of your legs and feet. Whenever possible, sit down to perform a job instead of standing. Change position often, since staying in one position for an extended period tends to increase stiffness and pain.
3. Conserve energy by allowing for rest periods during the workday and while performing any activity.
4. Respect pain. It's your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Don't involve yourself in an activity that puts strain on joints that are already painful or stiff.
5. Use care when getting in and out of a car, chair, or tub, as well as for climbing, lifting, carrying, pulling, or pushing objects. Think before you strain. Tip: Try to always sit in the highest chair in the room, and look for chairs with armrests to make it easier to get up.
6. Use your strongest joints and muscles to reduce the stress on your smaller joints. For example, carry a purse, handbag, or briefcase by its shoulder strap rather than by its handle.
7. Distribute pressure to minimize stress on any single joint. Lift dishes with both of your palms rather than with your fingers, and carry heavy loads in your arms instead of with your hands.
8. Avoid tight gripping, pinching, squeezing and twisting if your hands are affected by arthritis. Ways to accomplish the same tasks with alternate methods or tools can usually be found.
9. Investigate assistive devices. Many of these self-help products bath stools, grippers, reachers, grab bars have been developed to make every-day activities easier and less stressful on your joints and muscles. Your doctor or physical therapist can suggest devices that will be helpful for tasks you may find difficult at home or at work.
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=60454 Nine Ways To Relieve Joint Stress
Main Category: Arthritis News
Article Date: 10 Jan 2007 - 0:00 PST
文章日期:2007-1-10- 0:00
It happens to all of us: joint pain from a lifetime of lifting, bending and normal wear and tear. Beyond medication, there are steps you can take to relieve stress while going about your daily activities. Here's what you can do, from a world leader in arthritis care.
If you've lived long enough, inflammation in the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist can cause pain, swelling and limited motion. If you have joint pain or suffer from arthritis, no doubt you've already been prescribed medication by your doctor to reduce these symptoms. But there's a lot you can do yourself apart from taking your medication to lessen joint pain. Following are some time-proven steps from a newsletter called Arthritis Advisor, brought to you by Cleveland Clinic. (For more information, click on http://www.arthritis-advisor.com)
如果你活的够长,当你的脚踝、膝盖、臀部、肩部、肘部和腕关节发炎就可能引起疼痛、肿胀和行动不便。一旦你受到关节痛或关节炎的困扰,毋庸置疑,为了缓解症状,你已经从你的医生那里得到药物治疗。但是,现在还有很多你自己可以做到而不需要使用药物来减少关节痛的方法。下面是美国克里夫兰临床中心(Cleveland Clinic)关节炎指导栏目时事通讯上教给你的一些经过时间检验的步骤。(要获得更多信息,请点击http://www.arthritis-advisor.com)
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-05 17:21