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科学家破译名为“Geobacter sulfurreducens”的细菌基因图谱后称,该细菌中的逾100种基因,应能让它引起金属化学反应,从而产生电流。
美国能源部长亚伯拉罕(Spencer Abraham)在一份声明中说:“这种微生物的基因组或许有助我们解决净化方面的一些最棘手问题,并透过生物能源发电。”
来自马里兰州罗克维尔基因组研究院(TIGR)及麻州大学的研究团队发现,“G. sulfurreducens”细菌含有至少100种看似能为各种细胞色素C编码的基因。细胞色素C是一种帮助电子往返运动的蛋白质。
领导这项研究的TIGR学者梅特(Barbara Methe)称:“我们提供了(对该细菌的)全面描述,使得科学家对这种微生物的评价发生了根本性的变化。”
Science Dec 12 2003: 1967-1969.
Genome of Geobacter sulfurreducens: Metal Reduction in Subsurface Environments
B. A. Methe, K. E. Nelson, J. A. Eisen, I. T. Paulsen, W. Nelson, J. F. Heidelberg, D. Wu, M. Wu, N. Ward, M. J. Beanan, R. J. Dodson, R. Madupu, L. M. Brinkac, S. C. Daugherty, R. T. DeBoy, A. S. Durkin, M. Gwinn, J. F. Kolonay, S. A. Sullivan, D. H. Haft, J. Selengut, T. M. Davidsen, N. Zafar, O. White, B. Tran, C. Romero, H. A Forberger, J. Weidman, H. Khouri, T. V. Feldblyum, T. R. Utterback, S. E. Van Aken, D. R. Lovley, and C. M. Fraser
Institute for Genomic Research, 9712 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01002, USA.
The complete genome sequence of Geobacter sulfurreducens, a -proteobacterium, reveals unsuspected capabilities, including evidence of aerobic metabolism, one-carbon and complex carbon metabolism, motility, and chemotactic behavior. These characteristics, coupled with the possession of many two-component sensors and many c-type cytochromes, reveal an ability to create alternative, redundant, electron transport networks and offer insights into the process of metal ion reduction in subsurface environments. As well as playing roles in the global cycling of metals and carbon, this organism clearly has the potential for use in bioremediation of radioactive metals and in the generation of electricity.
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-08-05 06:26