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In the study, treatment with stabilized siRNA molecules (atuRNAi) through clinically-relevant i.v. infusion led to downregulation of a target which plays a significant role in regulating glucose metabolism in vivo. Compared to the control group, atuRNAi produced lower peak glucose levels with a return to near normal levels after two hours. In contrast, in animals treated with inactivated siRNA molecules, glucose levels rose to very high levels and failed to revert to normal within two hours.
The preclinical in vivo studies utilised a type II diabetes disease model in which an insulin-independent signalling pathway was turned on. Said Dr. Klaus Giese, “In this series of studies we have demonstrated robust and very reproducible tissue uptake and function of atugen’s proprietary siRNA therapeutic molecules. We are now moving on to animal studies in various cancer models.”
atugen’s patent application EP1389637 was published on 18 February 2004. The proprietary ‘composition of matter’ patent covers atugen’s own stabilized siRNA structures.
来源:http://www.topbt.com/ [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-05 17:23