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【Fast Breaking Comments】Genotypic diversity within a natu
Article Title: Genotypic diversity within a natural coastal bacterioplankton population
Authors: Thompson, JR;Pacocha, S;Pharino, C;Klepac-Ceraj, V;Hunt, DE;Benoit, J;Sarma-Rupavtarm, R;Distel, DL;Polz, MF
Journal: SCIENCE
Volume: 307
Issue: 5713
Page: 1311-1313
Q: Why do you think your paper is highly cited?
A:This study has been cited often because it provides an important environmental context for the expanding fields of microbial genomics and community ecology by quantifying the magnitude of coexisting genomic diversity within a microbial population. In addition, we hope that this work helps to motivate further studies exploring the emergent properties of populations composed of diverse constituents and the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that give rise to such diversity.
Q: Does it describe a new discovery, methodology, or synthesis of knowledge?
A:Our observation of extreme genomic diversity coexisting within a population (where every microbe in 1000 individuals of a population has a unique genome that can differ in size by up to 1 Mb or ~20%) helps explain the difficulty of assembling genomes from environmental shotgun libraries. In addition, such extreme genomic diversity within populations warrants caution in the extrapolation of the environmental relevance of microbial model systems based on single strains.
Q: Could you summarize the significance of your paper in layman?s terms?
A:Asexual reproduction in bacteria has been long thought to provide a constraint on the evolution of diversity within microbial populations?this is in contrast to sexual reproduction within populations where children share unique combinations of genetic features derived from each parent. However, this study reveals an unprecedented level of diversity within a microbial population that suggests evolution within bacteria occurs by both sexual and asexual mechanisms.
Moreover, the coexistence of such diversity suggests that the unique combinations of genetic traits in each member of the population do not confer significant competitive advantages within the context of the environment observed.
Q: How did you become involved in this research, and were any problems encountered along the way?
A:Our lab has a long-standing interest in microbial ecology and evolution. We were surprised by the high genomic diversity present in environmental isolates of a Vibrio species obtained as part of a seasonal dynamics study of Vibrio diversity in the temperate New England coastal waters (sampling New England coastal waters during the winter certainly posed a challenge!). We decided to follow up on this observation during the following year and found a consistent trend of high genomic diversity associated with this and other species throughout the sampling season.
Janelle Thompson
Post Doctoral Associate
The Polz Lab
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, MA, USA
Martin Polz, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
The Polz Lab
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, MA, USA 谢谢兄弟。
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敬请大家热情参与! Field: Microbiology 微生物学
Article Title: Genotypic diversity within a natural coastal bacterioplankton population
Authors: Thompson, JR;Pacocha, S;Pharino, C;Klepac-Ceraj, V;Hunt, DE;Benoit, J;Sarma-Rupavtarm, R;Distel, DL;Polz, MF
Journal: SCIENCE
Volume: 307
Issue: 5713
Page: 1311-1313
Q: Why do you think your paper is highly cited?
A:This study has been cited often because it provides an important environmental context for the expanding fields of microbial genomics and community ecology by quantifying the magnitude of coexisting genomic diversity within a microbial population. In addition, we hope that this work helps to motivate further studies exploring the emergent properties of populations composed of diverse constituents and the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that give rise to such diversity.
Q: Does it describe a new discovery, methodology, or synthesis of knowledge?
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-06 17:22