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BY JENNIE SMITH 2010-12-21
Elsevier Global Medical News
Breaking News
Influenza season is very much underway in Europe, with a resurgent H1N1 behaving largely the same as it did last year, affecting people under 65 most seriously.
As of Dec. 21, the U.K. Health Protection Agency reported 17 confirmed H1N1 deaths, all of people under 65 and with a median age of 33; this week’s media reports, however, have suggested that the death toll may be at least 20 by the time the Health Protection Agency releases is next flu update Dec. 23.
The extra cases could be the result of “families that have gone directly to the media and individual hospitals having communication with the media,” the agency’s chief press officer, Emma Gilgunn-Jones, said in an interview, adding that no more than 17 cases have been confirmed by the agency to date.
The U.K.’s Intensive Care Society, which represents ICU clinicians, said last week that there had been 190 influenza cases in units across the UK since late November. The HPA said that 17 influenza cases had so far been referred for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or EMCO. A concern about EMCO machine availability led the HPA to recommend conventional ventilation as the first choice for hospitalized flu patients.
A west-to-east pattern of seasonal influenza transmission is normal for Europe, and the U.K.’s case numbers are not extraordinary for the season, health officials say. Moreover, the seasonal flu jab seems to be well matched to the H1N1, B, and sporadic H3N2 strains circulating. Of the U.K.’s reported 17 deaths, vaccination status was known for 14, and none were vaccinated. Also, 14 of the fatal cases were H1N1 infections, and 3 were B infections.
No pregnant women were among the HPA’s 17 confirmed deaths; however, a concern about inadequate vaccine uptake in pregnant women has led to multiple urgent warnings in England, Scotland, and Wales; in Wales, according to one report, uptake was less than 6%. All pregnant women have been urged to seek vaccination.
Among European Union countries only the U.K. reported influenza activity at medium intensity above baselines last week; however, 14 other European countries reported an increasing trend. Europe-wide, 67% of viruses detected during week 49 were H1N1, the majority of which were the 2009 pandemic strain, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
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英国重症监护协会于上周表示,自11月底以来,英国境内入住重症监护室的流感病例数已达到190例。英国卫生防护局(HPA)于12月21日报告称,经证实因甲型H1N1流感而死亡的人数达17例,年龄均在65岁以下,中位年龄是33岁;但本周的医学报告表明,到HPA于12月23日更新流感数据为止死亡人数可能至少有20例。HPA首席新闻官Emma Gilgunn-Jones在接受采访时表示,这些额外的病例可能是 “家属直接向媒体透露和私人医院向媒体透露”的结果,迄今经HPA证实的死亡人数只有17例,其中有14例感染的是甲型H1N1流感,3例是乙型流感。
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-12-27 13:02