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Objective: Obestatin is a newly discovered peptide encoded by the ghrelin gene whose biological functions are poorly understood. We investigated obestatin effect on survival of β-cells and human pancreatic islets and the underlying signaling pathways.
Research Design and Methods: β-cells and human islets were used to assess obestatin effect on cell proliferation, survival, apoptosis, intracellular signaling and gene expression.
Results: Obestatin showed specific binding on HIT-T15 and INS-1E β-cells, bound to GLP-1R and recognized ghrelin binding sites. Obestatin, exerted proliferative, survival and antiapoptotic effects, under serum deprived conditions and IFN-/TNF-/IL-1β treatment, particularly at pharmacological concentrations. Ghrelin receptor antagonist [D-Lys3]-GHRP-6 and anti-ghrelin antibody prevented obestatin-induced survival in β-cells and human islets. β-cells and islet cells released obestatin and addition of anti-obestatin antibody reduced their viability. Obestatin increased β-cell cAMP and activated ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt; its antiapoptotic effect was blocked by inhibition of AC/cAMP/PKA, PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 signaling. Moreover, obestatin up-regulated GLP-1R mRNA and IRS-2 expression and phosphorylation. The GLP-1R antagonist exendin-(9-39) reduced obestatin effect on β-cell survival. In human islets, obestatin, whose immunoreactivity co-localized with that of ghrelin, promoted cell survival and blocked cytokine-induced apoptosis through cAMP increase and involvement of AC/cAMP/PKA signaling. Moreover, obestatin: i) induced PI3K/Akt, ERK1/2 and also CREB phosphorylation; ii) stimulated insulin secretion and gene expression; iii) up-regulated GLP-1R, IRS-2, PDX-1 and glucokinase mRNA.
Conclusions: These results indicate that obestatin promotes β-cell and human islet cell survival and stimulates the expression of main regulatory β-cell genes, identifying a new role for this peptide within the endocrine pancreas.
http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/db07-1104v2 Science:“肥胖抑制素Obestatin” 未来减肥药
美国斯坦福大学的研究人员日前在Science杂志上撰文称,已找到了一种可抑制饥饿感的激素, 人体内的基因会诱发产生两种作用完全相对的激素。。目前,研究人员已在老鼠身上对这种被称为“肥胖抑制素(Obestatin)”的激素进行了测试。
肥胖抑制素是一种胃生长素基因编码的生物活性多肽可以拮抗胃生长素的食欲刺激作用.胃生长素是一种可以诱发食欲的脑肠激素,其生物活性依赖于前体原翻译后的剪切和乙酰化修饰后形成一种具有生物活性的多肽。借助于生物信息学预测,胃生长素前体翻译后还存在不同剪切方式,提示可能存在着另外一种多肽激素。我们从大鼠的胃组织中成功分离出这种激素,命名为肥胖降脂素(肥胖抑制素)(obestatin)——其中“obe”是拉丁来源的词汇“obese(肥胖)”的缩写,表示大量摄食,而“statin”则表示“抑制”。与胃生长素刺激食欲的作用相反,用肥胖降脂素(肥胖抑制素)处理大鼠后,发现大鼠摄食量和空肠收缩次数减少,体重增加速度变缓。肥胖降脂素(肥胖抑制素)可与孤儿G蛋白受体GPR39结合。由同一个胃生长素基因编码,经过翻译后的不同片断剪切和不同类型的修饰(胃生长素乙酰化修饰; 肥胖降脂素(肥胖抑制素)C末端酰胺化)产生的两个多肽激素对体重调节却起着相反的作用。它们激活的是截然不同的两个受体。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-23 05:14