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Author:Spence JD.
Stroke Prevention and Atherosclerosis Research Centre, Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada
Resource: Lancet Neurol. 2007 Sep;6(9):830-8.
Abstract:On the basis of the results of several recent clinical trials, many researchers have concluded that vitamin therapy designed to lower total homocysteine concentrations is not effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular events. However, whereas almost all myocardial infarctions are due to plaque rupture, stroke has many more pathophysiological mechanisms, and thrombosis-which is increased by raised total homocysteine concentrations-has an important role in many of these processes. Thus, stroke and myocardial infarction could respond differently to vitamin therapy. A detailed assessment of the results of the recent HOPE-2 trial and a reanalysis of the VISP trial restricted to patients capable of responding to vitamin therapy suggest that higher doses of vitamin B12 and perhaps new approaches to lowering total homocysteine besides routine vitamin therapy with folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 could reduce the risk of stroke. Thus, therapy to lower homocysteine could still help to prevent stroke, if not other vascular outcomes.
PMID: 17706567 在最近几次临床试验的基础上,有专家提出以减低血中同型半胱氨酸为目的的维生素治疗在减低心血管事件的风险上是无效的。然而,几乎所有的心肌梗塞的病因都是由于斑块破裂,但中风却有更多的病因机制。血中总的同型半胱氨酸的水平的增高对于中风发生过程起了重要作用。因此,中风和心肌梗塞对于维生素治疗的反应可能是不同的。对最近进行的HOPE-2临床试验结果和对VISP临床试验的重新分析的详细评估限提示除了传统的应用维生素B12,维生素B6和叶酸治疗降低血同型半胱氨酸,更高剂量的维生素B12和新的降低血同型半胱氨酸的方法能够减低中风的风险。所有,如果没有其他的血管事件,减低血中同型半胱氨酸的水平仍然能够帮助预防中风。 翻译得很准确,但是最好短句翻译,方便大家学习
A detailed assessment of the results of the recent HOPE-2 trial and a reanalysis of the VISP trial restricted to patients capable of responding to vitamin therapy suggest that higher doses of vitamin B12 and perhaps new approaches to lowering total homocysteine besides routine vitamin therapy with folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 could reduce the risk of stroke.
对近期的的HOPE-2试验详细评估,并对VISP试验重新分析(该试验研究对象仅限于对维生素治疗有反应的人群),结果显示,除了应用维生素B12、维生素B6和叶酸的传统治疗,更高剂量的维生素B12和其他新的降低血同型半胱氨酸的方法也能够减低中风的风险。 ?????????? 质疑:起作用的 应该主要是叶酸吧,单纯使用B12代谢途径不合理啊!
请看附图:from:Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 114 | NUMBER 10 | October 2006
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-19 05:11