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【PLoS One】"兄弟, 没忽悠你, 安慰剂 [Placebos] 也
今日 NPR (National Public Radio) 早间新闻 (Morning Edition) 报道了一则近日发表在 PLoS One 上的研究论文. 该文的大意是: "兄弟, 没忽悠你, 咱这安慰剂也治病"
文章的结论是: 大鸣大放的告诉患者: "你服用的是安慰剂", 也能治疗肠激症.
看到此结论, 不由地在想, "嗯, 看来那些自称肠胃弱, 老去坐茅厕的主儿, 多半是心里的事儿喽" ???
欲知详情, 且看:
Featured in PLoS Hub for Clinical Trials
Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ted J. Kaptchuk1,2*, Elizabeth Friedlander1, John M. Kelley3,4, M. Norma Sanchez1, Efi Kokkotou1, Joyce P. Singer2, Magda Kowalczykowski1, Franklin G. Miller5, Irving Kirsch6, Anthony J. Lembo1
1 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 2 Osher Research Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Psychology Department, Endicott College, Beverly, Massachusetts, United States of America, 4 Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 5 Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America, 6 Department of Psychology, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
Placebo treatment can significantly influence subjective symptoms. However, it is widely believed that response to placebo requires concealment or deception. We tested whether open-label placebo (non-deceptive and non-concealed administration) is superior to a no-treatment control with matched patient-provider interactions in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Two-group, randomized, controlled three week trial (August 2009-April 2010) conducted at a single academic center, involving 80 primarily female (70%) patients, mean age 47±18 with IBS diagnosed by Rome III criteria and with a score ≥150 on the IBS Symptom Severity Scale (IBS-SSS). Patients were randomized to either open-label placebo pills presented as “placebo pills made of an inert substance, like sugar pills, that have been shown in clinical studies to produce significant improvement in IBS symptoms through mind-body self-healing processes” or no-treatment controls with the same quality of interaction with providers. The primary outcome was IBS Global Improvement Scale (IBS-GIS). Secondary measures were IBS Symptom Severity Scale (IBS-SSS), IBS Adequate Relief (IBS-AR) and IBS Quality of Life (IBS-QoL).
Open-label placebo produced significantly higher mean (±SD) global improvement scores (IBS-GIS) at both 11-day midpoint (5.2±1.0 vs. 4.0±1.1, p<.001) and at 21-day endpoint (5.0±1.5 vs. 3.9±1.3, p = .002). Significant results were also observed at both time points for reduced symptom severity (IBS-SSS, p = .008 and p = .03) and adequate relief (IBS-AR, p = .02 and p = .03); and a trend favoring open-label placebo was observed for quality of life (IBS-QoL) at the 21-day endpoint (p = .08).
Placebos administered without deception may be an effective treatment for IBS. Further research is warranted in IBS, and perhaps other conditions, to elucidate whether physicians can benefit patients using placebos consistent with informed consent.
PDF 原文:
Placebos without Deception.pdf (410.02k) 在线查看 坐沙发笑看你服安慰剂 昨晚值班,凌晨一病人老说不舒服,全身痛,心电图没事,血压不高,听诊也没事,后来给了他两颗维生素B6,告诉他吃了就没事了,就好好睡吧,结果,他真睡着了,安慰剂效应啊!
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-12-25 07:23