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Deadly Accidents Take a Rising Toll
Posted by Ann Carrns
We Americans are becoming more accident prone, and it’s a development that threatens our lives. That’s the unhappy conclusion from a federal analysis of “unintentional-injury deaths,” better known to average Joes as accidental deaths.
The overall rate of accidental deaths rose 7%, to 37.7 per 100,000 in 2004, from 35.3 in 1999, says the analysis published earlier this month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unintentional poisoning, nearly all related to drugs, accounted for most of the increase.
A total of 625,328 accidental deaths occurred in the U.S. between 1999 and 2004. Automobile-related injuries were responsible for the largest fraction (41%), followed by poisoning (nearly 16%, mostly drug-related), falls (15%) and suffocation (5.4%). Men are twice as likely as women to die from accidental injuries. Accidents ranging from car crashes to drug overdoses are the leading cause of death among people aged one to 44 years old.
Our federal health czars set a national goal of cutting the rate of such deaths in half to 17.5 per 100,000 people per year, from 35 in 1998. They also aimed to reduce accidental injuries caused by car wrecks -– the leading cause of accidental deaths — to 9.2 per 100,000 per year, down from 15.6 in 1998.
Not a single state achieved the federal government’s first objective of halving rates of accidental death, although 13 states did see reductions. Happily, four states and the District of Columbia met the second objective regarding reductions in automobile-related deaths.
The state with the lowest overall rate of accidental deaths was Massachusetts (annual average of 20.4 per 100,000 for the period studied). The dubious honor of having the highest rate of accidental deaths went to New Mexico (annual average of 60.9 per 100,000). Deborah Busemeyer, a spokeswoman with the New Mexico Department of Health, says the state typically ranks high on such measures because of a large numbers of motor vehicle crashes, as well as drug-related deaths. The state has high rates of drug overdoses from both illegal and prescription drugs.
Ethnic and economic factors play a role, she said. The state has many poor people, and its motor vehicle death rate for Native Americans is twice the rate for whites. The state recently issued its report card on racial and ethnic health disparities, which you can see here. 本人领认,24小时内出结果,过时为放弃.首次尝试. 2007 年 11 月 12 日, 3:34 pm
安•卡恩斯 著
我们美国人正变得更容易发生意外,它的发展,威胁着我们的生活。那是从“非故意损害死亡” 这不愉快的结论来自于联邦分析"非故意伤害死亡的, "更广为人知,以平均joes为意外死亡。
本月初由美国疾病控制中心和预防发表分析说:意外死亡的总体增长速度从1999年的35.30 %/10万人到2004年的37.7 %/10万人,增长了7 % ,其中几乎所有与毒品有关的非故意中毒事件,占了大部分。
1999年至2004年间,美国共发生625328意外死亡事件。和汽车有关的伤害事件的最大部分( 41 % ) ,其次为中毒(近16 % ,其中多数与毒品有关) ,跌落( 15 % )和窒息( 5.4 % ) 。男性死于意外伤害的几率大概是女性的两倍。从一岁至44岁的人群中,从撞车到药物过量意外,是导致死亡的首要原因。
美国健康署制定了一个全国性目标,削减一半这类意外死亡的发生率,从1998年的35 %/10万人/年到17.5%/10万人/年。他们同样也致力于将意外死亡的首要元凶-车祸,从从1998年的315.6 %/10万人/年到9.2%/10万人/年。
没有哪一个州达到联邦政府的人口意外死亡率第一目标,甚至有13个州没有见减少。令人高兴的是,哥伦比亚地区的 4个州达到了降低车祸意外死亡的目标。
意外死亡事件率最低的州,是马萨诸塞州(平均每年20.4 %/10万人/研究期间) 。获得意外死亡事件率最高的州这个不良荣誉是新墨西哥(平均每年60.9 %/10万人/研究期间) 。新墨西哥卫生部门一位叫德博拉•布斯米耶的发言人说,该州在这样的统计中比较高,因为该州有大量的摩托车事故和毒品相关的死亡案例。该州有高的从使用非法药物和处方药物过量的比率。
她说,种族和经济因素在这个问题上发挥了作用。该州有很多穷人,土著居民的摩托车事故死亡率是白人的两倍。该州最近发布了该州种族和族裔之间的健康差距报告,你可以在这里看到。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-07 18:33