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In intensive care units around the world, preterm infants often receive prolonged exposure to sedative and analgesic agents in an effort to reduce the pain that comes with frequent bedside procedures, lead author Dr. Jean-Christophe Roze, from Hopital de la Mere et l'Enfant in Nantes, France, and colleagues note. Whether this has an adverse effect on developmental outcomes, however, is unclear.
To investigate, the research team analyzed data from 1572 premature infants enrolled in the Etude EPIdemiologique sur les Petits Ages GEstationnels (EPIPAGE) study. The infants were all of fewer than 33 weeks' gestational age and had received mechanical ventilation.
The new findings appear in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine for August.
Overall, 115 of the infants had been exposed to sedatives, opioids, or both for longer than 7 days during the neonatal period, the report indicates.
In the initial analysis, severe or moderate disability at 5 years was more common in infants with prolonged exposures to sedatives/analgesics than in other infants: 42% vs. 26%. However, after adjusting for gestational age and for a propensity score designed to account for a number of potential confounders, no significant difference was noted between the groups.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008;162:728-733. [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-07 18:15