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Large Study Links Red, Processed Meat to Certain Cancers

People who eat a lot of red and processed meats have a higher risk of developing several types of cancer, including lung cancer and colorectal cancer, according to a new study from the National Cancer Institute. 本人现认领该文的翻译及编译工作,如24小时内因种种非主观因素未能及时提交,请其他站友自由认领,谢谢! Large Study Links Red, Processed Meat to Certain Cancers

People who eat a lot of red and processed meats have a higher risk of developing several types of cancer, including lung cancer and colorectal cancer, according to a new study from the National Cancer Institute.

For the study, researchers examined data from a large U.S. diet and health study, which began in 1995 and involved 500,000 men and women ages 50-71.

The research was conducted by Amanda Cross and colleagues at the National Cancer Institute and is published in the latest issue of PLoS Medicine.
该项由Amanda Cross等所从事的研究被刊载在最新一期的《公共科学图书馆-医学》(PLoS Medicine)上。

Click here to read the published article

This is what the study found.

People who ate the most red were 25 percent more likely to be diagnosed with bowel, liver, lung and esophageal cancer during the eight-year study, compared to those who consumed small amounts of this type of meat.

The researchers also found that people who ate the most processed meats, including bacon, ham and lunch meat, had a 20 percent higher risk of colorectal cancer and a 16 percent higher risk of lung cancer.

Researchers say 1 in 10 colorectal and 1 in 10 lung cancers could be avoided if people reduced their red and processed meat intake to very low amounts.

Most of the study participants were non-Hispanic white males and females, so these findings may not apply to people with different genetic backgrounds, the authors said. But the findings add to the evidence that suggests that decreased consumption of red and processed meats could reduce the incidence of several types of cancer. The American Cancer Society, for example, has warned for more than a decade of a connection between red meat and colon cancer.
著者说,该研究主要圈定的人群在非拉美籍,因此其发现或许不适用于其他基因种群者,不过研究发现仍旧为进食加工肉类会增加患癌风险证据方面添砖加瓦了。就好象美国癌症协会近10多年一直在告诫大家要注意红肉会增加结肠癌风险一样。 编译后:水平所限,难免疏漏,诚请斧正,携手进步!(受站友启发,调整编译如下,其中,加工肉类和红色肉类为两个概念,而非平行修饰语 完了,什么东西东吃不了了。 兄弟,你翻译的很不错 应该鼓励一下 谢谢翻译,长知识了。 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/newsbydate.html 这篇文章不难
不过觉得 red processed meat 为什么是红
可是我觉得看到了 多为黑色或酱色
processed 就够了 应该有前列腺癌方面的数据,红肉摄入量大也增加前列腺癌发病率. 学习了,,我也要加强专业英语!!! 看过了,谢谢

不过觉得 red processed meat 为什么是红
可是我觉得看到了 多为黑色或酱色
processed 就够了
Only 20-25% more risks, take it easy! 可能和红肉加工中普遍添加亚硝酸盐有关。 向素食主义方向努力 长知识!谢谢! 在我们国家,激素含量:

鸡肉吃不得 同意云想意见,我在基层,经常见鸡厂\猪厂里是怎摸喂养的,激素\填加剂惊人! 俗话说:吃四条腿的(猪、牛、羊),不如吃两条腿的(鸡鸭鹅),吃两条腿的,不如吃没有腿的(鱼类),看来还是有科学依据的。。。。
所以吃肉的时候要多配合吃点含还原性物质VC的蔬菜,应该能中和一下。。。 谢谢提供 到底该相信谁的话?不是说多吃牛羊肉比猪肉和其他肉好吗,真是让人不知所措。 当然要相信我的话拉







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-12 05:14