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Nature News 11.11——California 通过支持人类干细胞研

11.2 加州投票通过了Proposition 71——一项30亿(10年)的用于研究人类胚胎干细胞的项目。这将会是加州成为世界上最合适的研究人类干细胞的地方,还可能weaken其他地方的干细胞研究通过lure很多的科学家来California。当然其他的州也有正在效仿这一措施。另外人们也关注:坚持反对这一研究的Bush及其政府对此会有什么样的反应。

Nature 431, 723; 2004
“Joys match fears as California agrees to stem-cell proposal”。

The dream has come true for biologists in California who want
to work with human embryonic stem cells. A large sum of
money ($300 million annually for ten years), the promise of
new buildings, a state research institute dedicated to the field and
a constitutional guarantee of the right to do the work all sailed
through in a referendum last week (see page 135).
The passage of Proposition 71, as the measure is called, reflects
the faith of the public in science’s potential to make life better. The
infrastructure it creates will make California one of the most suitable
places in the world for pushing the frontiers of human embryonic
stem-cell research.We have signalled a need for caution (see Nature
431, 723; 2004), because Proposition 71 is an unusual experiment in
science funding.Nevertheless, many leading researchers have staked
their reputations on its success and deserve credit for their hard work
to pass the measure.
There is still a chance that President George Bush and his allies in
Congress who oppose the research could undermine Proposition 71
with a federal ban on essential techniques such as ‘therapeutic cloning’.
But such a bill has failed twice in the Senate already, and the chances
that it would pass are less now that some prominent conservatives
have lent their support to embryonic stem-cell research.
Researchers outside California will be right to worry that Proposition
71 could weaken embryonic stem-cell research elsewhere.
Strong privately funded US research centres exist outside California
— at the University of Wisconsin and Harvard, for instance — but
young researchers especially are likely to feel the pull westwards, and
even senior people may find it hard to pass up the lure of new cash and
more lab space.
Current limitations on federal funding for the research mean that
there are relatively few groups already working with human embryonic
stem-cell lines in California. The administrators of the institute,
who are to be appointed within 40 days, and the grant review board
they will nominate, must avoid merely enhancing existing programmes
and recognize the potential of newcomers to stimulate
innovation.At the same time, Californian stem-cell research should
strive where possible to grow from within. ■ 干细胞研究:加州为创新买单




  尽管我在社会问题上是保守派--毕竟干细胞来自婴儿的胚胎,也明白这项预算对我们备受赤字折磨的州财政来说是个沉重负担,但我还是投了赞成票。此举是在为未来新的再生医学(regenerative medicine)开道,并最终降低健保成本。届时,不仅加州的老年人、而且全美甚至全球的老年人都将深受其益。

  如果你认为传统的分子药物或生技药物在治疗退化性疾病(degenerative disease)方面作用不大,那么就应当大力支持干细胞的研究。退化性疾病如老年痴呆症(Alzheimer's)和巴金森氏症(Parkinson's),这些疾病的治疗非常昂贵。老年痴呆症协会(Alzheimer's Association)预计,医疗保险(Medicare)体系中治疗这种疾病的成本将从2000年的319亿美元上升至2010的的493亿美元。

  MPM Capital是一家生技和健保领域内的创投公司。该公司的创投资本家伊夫宁(Luke Evnin)说,“干细胞治疗这类疾病的前景非常好。”









作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-11-04 05:11