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【medical-news】Childhood vaccines do not raise brain disea
Reuters Health
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Childhood vaccination against whooping cough (also known as pertussis) and measles is not associated with an increased risk for encephalopathy, a disease of the brain, according to a new report.
纽约时报 据最新报道,小儿接种百日咳及麻疹疫苗并不会增加脑病的危险性
Encephalopathy or encephalitis have been reported to occur with increased frequency after receipt of whole-cell pertussis (DTP) vaccine or combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, but the association remains controversial.
Paula Ray from Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center, Oakland, California and colleagues used data from 4 study sites to re-evaluate whether whole-cell pertussis and measles vaccination are associated with encephalopathy or encephalitis. In all, 452 cases of encephalopathy were identified in records from more than 2 million children.
加利福尼亚奥克兰Kaiser Permanente疫苗研究中心的 Paula Ray以及他的同事搜集了四个研究机构的资料,重新评价了全菌百日咳疫苗及麻疹疫苗与脑病及脑炎发病的关系。在记录在案的2百万多儿童中,总计有452例曾确诊患有脑病。
At no time period studied were patients with encephalopathy more likely than controls to have received DTP or MMR vaccine, the authors report. In fact, patients with encephalopathy were significantly less likely than controls to have received DTP vaccine in the prior 60 or 90 days.
When only the patients without a known cause of encephalopathy were considered, there was a slightly but insignificantly higher likelihood of having received DTP, the results indicate.
Similarly, the researchers note, children with neurologic disease of unknown or suspected but unconfirmed cause were numerically (but not significantly) more likely to have received MMR vaccine in the prior 90 days.
同样,研究人员还注意到,发病前90天内,接种MMR疫苗的神经系统疾病 (病因不明或不能确定) 患儿数多于对照组,但也无统计学意义。
"Although this study is large, encephalopathy is rare," the authors observe, "and thus it is not possible to exclude completely a small increase in the risk of encephalopathy after DTP or MMR vaccination."
"However,' they conclude, "if such an increased risk exists, the absolute risk is extremely small and it is much lower after vaccination than after pertussis or measles."
SOURCE: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, September 2006.
At no time period studied were patients with encephalopathy more likely than controls to have received DTP or MMR vaccine, the authors report. 这句话不是很有把握. 希望高手指正. 谢谢. In all, 452 cases of encephalopathy were identified in records from more than 2 million children.(第三段末)
At no time period studied were patients with encephalopathy more likely than controls to have received DTP or MMR vaccine, the authors report.
When only the patients without a known cause of encephalopathy were considered, there was a slightly but insignificantly higher likelihood of having received DTP, the results indicate.
觉得qcywh2000翻译的很到位,选材也很有意义,以上是我的一点点拙见,完全是个人想法,互相学习:) 多谢mumu1983指正两个原则性的错误. 欢迎以后继续揪错.
英语扔了好久, 汉语也常常辞不达意. 借着练习的机会, 希望有所提高.
共勉. [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-08-14 17:13