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ScienceDaily (Mar. 4, 2011) — Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that lactate, a type of energy fuel in the brain, plays a critical role in the formation of long-term memory. These findings have important implications for common illnesses like Alzheimer's disease, other neurodegenerative disorders, aging-related memory impairment and diabetes.
The study is the first to closely evaluate the role of lactate and the effect of its transport from astrocytes -- a subtype of brain cells -- to neurons in long-term memory in mammals, said lead researcher Cristina Alberini, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. "Little is known about the role of astrocytes in cognitive functions. The results further prove that astrocytes are much more actively involved in memory formation than previously thought, and that lactate is a promising target for investigating novel mechanisms that may be the cause of deficits of long-term memories." The data have potential significant implications in understanding and treating diseases like Alzheimer's, dementia, and diabetes, she said.
Researchers historically have believed that the star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes only played a supportive role to neurons and had no major roles in higher brain functions. As a result, research on the development of long-term memory has largely focused on neurons. However, in recent years, data have shown that astrocytes are more involved than previously thought. Working with this evidence, Dr. Alberini and her team found that lactate released by astrocytes has a critical function in long-term memory development.
Astrocytes but not neurons contain glycogen, the storage form of glucose. Dr. Alberini's research supports a previous hypothesis that lactate produced by astrocytes provides fuel to neurons, and shows that lactate in the brain is elevated during long-term memory formation.
The researchers injected into the brains of rats an amnesic compound that blocks glycogenolysis (the breakdown of glycogen), and prevented the learning-dependent release of lactate. They did this both before and after "inhibitory avoidance learning," in which the rats learn to avoid a place where they previously had an unpleasant experience. They also injected some rats with both the amnesic compound and lactate.
The researchers found that the rats that were injected with the compound only, either before or after the unpleasant experience, had significantly impaired long-term memory. However, lactate together with the blocking compound served to "rescue" or reduce memory loss. Short-term memory and learning were not impacted by the presence of the amnestic compound or lactate.
Since it is known that glucose is an important energy source and can modulate memory retention, Dr. Alberini's team wanted to see if similar benefits were achieved by using glucose rather than lactate in the study. They injected glucose in amounts equicaloric to the lactate used in the first study into the brains of rats that also received the amnesic compound before inhibitory avoidance training. The researchers saw no rescue effect on long-term memory but after increasing the dose of glucose by three times, they saw a positive -- though transient -- impact.
"These results show that when a lot of energy is required, such as in long-term memory formation, glucose is not sufficient, or is less efficient, for long-term formation and maintenance," said Dr. Alberini. "Now that we know that lactate has this critical function, we can study why it does and why glucose does not have the same impact."
Dr. Alberini and her team plan to further study the role of lactate in long-term memory formation to find how it can be used as a potential target for neurodegenerative diseases. This study is supported by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110303132312.htm ♀她她论坛♀-les书库-灵魂的科学探索-前言 本书试图用科学方法来解释...而在5秒钟以后才会形成*****圆点的动态模式. 需要注意的是,大脑中因伤害形成的盲斑与... 蓝斑的神经细胞基本上变得不活动.这种不活动有可能把一个记忆放人一个长期存储器中,...www.lesee.com/.../?t20810.html-2007-09-30-快照-科学探索-前言 本书试图用科学方法来解释..." 老年痴呆症的前兆是什么?有哪些症状?根据中国医药学院中国医药研究所实验发现,天麻可改善学习记忆障碍,除可保健养身,更可... 导致老人痴呆症的病原已于日前为科学家发现.造成老人痴呆症的原因是脑细胞中的某种...www.360doc.com/...780900.shtml-2008-11-12-快照-中华物理医学与康复杂志2008年5月第30卷第5期Chin J Phys Med ...文件类型:DOC/Microsoft Word- 文字版共选取健康雄性SD大鼠50只,体重270~320 g[由山东中医药大学实验动物中心提供,动物... 动态观察大鼠症状及体征变化情况. 三、大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞模型建立 随机将制模成功...www.cjpmr.cn/...5_2_200805.doc-2011-02-23-[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-05 23:40