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【Cancer cell】日本研究人员发现能抑制大肠癌转移
京都大学教授武藤诚指出,这一成果有助于开发出抑制大肠癌扩散和转移的药物。 Highlights
?Aes suppresses colon cancer metastasis in an orthotopic transplantation model
?Aes is an endogenous inhibitor of Notch signaling
?Notch signaling is activated in cancer cells by ligands on stromal cells
?Aes knockout in ApcΔ716 mice cause local invasion and intravasation of tumor cells
Metastasis is responsible for most cancer deaths. Here, we show that Aes (or Grg5) gene functions as an endogenous metastasis suppressor. Expression of Aes was decreased in liver metastases compared with primary colon tumors in both mice and humans. Aes inhibited Notch signaling by converting active Rbpj transcription complexes into repression complexes on insoluble nuclear matrix. In tumor cells, Notch signaling was triggered by ligands on adjoining blood vessels, and stimulated transendothelial migration. Genetic depletion of Aes in ApcΔ716 intestinal polyposis mice caused marked tumor invasion and intravasation that were suppressed by Notch signaling inhibition. These results suggest that inhibition of Notch signaling can be a promising strategy for prevention and treatment of colon cancer metastasis. http://download.cell.com/cancer-cell/pdf/PIIS1535610810004733.pdf Notch与血管生成,好像近两年很热。 河南医学研究文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版了哮喘妊娠妇女使用药物的建议 : ①沙丁胺醇 ,短效吸入药物 , 是控制哮喘症状的快速缓... 101 研究人员今年找到新方法 ,可以用来识别过于微小、过 于偏远因而肉眼难辨的生命...www.100kang.com/...5720581.pdf-2010-11-21-研究" 中国大陆医疗科技之现况文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版《Cancer Cell》发 表脑癌与 p53 关联的研究新成果.科学家可能攻克癌症吗?来听听密 ... 工艺,提高主原料 10-脱乙醯基巴卡丁 111 利用率和产品收率,降低 生产成本,力争获得 ...www.ktli.org.tw/...ain7-13.pdf-2011-01-18-实验研究:泰式咖哩香料可对抗癌细胞科学家在最近出版的《国际癌症杂志(Int J Cancer)》上报告了研究结果.结果发现与那... 华中科技大学同济医学院暨同济医院马丁教授,他在肿瘤转移分子生物学、子宫颈癌发病机...www.taishan-international.org/-2005-04-01-快照-研究:泰式咖哩香料可对抗癌细胞"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-25 12:37