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Deaths From Kidney Cancer on the Rise

Expert suggests lack of effective chemotherapy drugs might explain trend

Thursday, September 21, 2006

THURSDAY, Sept. 21 (HealthDay News) -- While more kidney cancers are being diagnosed and treated early, the number of deaths from the disease continues to increase, University of Michigan researchers report.

The fact that the number of cases has been growing is largely due to the detection of small, presumably curable, tumors, so the scientists said they aren't exactly sure why so many are still dying.

However, one expert noted the trend might be explained by the lack of effective chemotherapy drugs to give kidney cancer patients once they have had surgery to remove tumors.

Kidney cancer is the third most common cancer of the reproductive and urinary systems. There will be some 38,890 new cases of kidney cancer in the United States this year, and some 12,840 people will die from the disease, the American Cancer Society estimates.

The latest research was published in the Sept. 20 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

"With increased early detection and treatment of small tumors, we would expect to see a decrease in mortality associated with kidney cancer," study senior author Dr. Brent K. Hollenbeck said in a statement. "Surprisingly, that's not what we found. Our research shows that an increase in detection and treatment is not leading to a reduction in the kidney cancer mortality rate."
本研究资深作者Brent K. Hollenbeck博士在一项声明中说:“随着小肿瘤早期诊断治疗的不断提高,我们希望与肾癌相关的死亡能够减少,然而令人惊讶的是我们的研究结果并不是这样。我们的研究发现,早期诊断和治疗的提高并没有降低肾癌的死亡率”

In the study, Hollenbeck's team collected data on 34,503 patients who had kidney cancer.

They found that from 1983 to 2002, the incidence of kidney cancer increased 52 percent, from 7.1 to 10.8 cases per 100,000 people. The biggest increase was seen in the number of people with small tumors, roughly 2 centimeters to 4 centimeters in size.

However, death rates also went up, most notably among those with tumors larger than 7 centimeters. Overall, deaths from kidney cancer rose from 1.2 to 3.2 per 100,000 people, the researchers noted.

These findings are partly explained by increasing incidence of larger, more lethal tumors. "While more and more small, detectable kidney tumors are being treated, the absolute number of patients with larger, lethal masses has not decreased. And it is these larger, lethal masses that seem to mainly affect mortality," study co-author Dr. John M. Hollingsworth said in a statement.
体积较大而且致死性强的肿瘤发生率不断增加的现象很大程度上解释了这些发现。共同作者John M. Hollingsworth博士在一项声明中说:“虽然越来越多可探测的小肿瘤患者得到治疗,肿瘤体积较大且致死性强的患者的绝对数目并没有减少。而恰恰主要是这些体积较大而且致死性强的肿瘤影响死亡率”

In addition, some of the smaller tumors may not need surgical removal, the researchers speculated.

"We're not saying that surgery for patients with small renal masses is inappropriate," Hollingsworth said. "Our findings, however, show that their increased treatment has not diminished kidney cancer mortality. This calls to question the effectiveness of our current treatment strategy. Perhaps there are some patients with small kidney tumors for whom surgery is not the best option."






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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-12-24 15:23