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Sonoenteroclysis, a new sonographic method in evaluating and diagnosing small bowel disorders is an effective alternative to the usual method of barium enteroclysis, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, India. Sonoenteroclysis is a new way of doing transabdominal ultrasound. Patients are given fluid through the nasojejunal tube in order to alleviate gas in the bowel.
“Various techniques available until now for evaluating the small bowel have been either inadequate or have various disadvantages and limitations,” said Birinder Nagi, MD, lead author of the study. “Radiologic evaluation of the small bowel is usually done by barium examination which cannot evaluate the bowel wall and surrounding structures. With CT enteroclysis, another method, mucosal details cannot be well seen. Both of these techniques are associated with increased exposure to radiation. PET-CT enteroclysis is a new promising technique, but also requires ionizing radiation. MR enteroclysis is not widely available and there is concern about patients vomiting in the gantry while they are undergoing the examination.
The study consisted of 50 patients with suspected small bowel disorder who underwent sonoenteroclysis followed by barium enteroclysis. The findings of the two were compared. The researchers noted small bowel thickness, luminal diameter, peristalsis and extra intestinal lesions. Of the 50 patients, 10 showed normal small bowel on both sonoenteroclysis and barium enteroclysis. The study also showed that 25 of the remaining 40 patients showed abnormality in the form of: strictures, dilated loops, thickened folds, mass lesions, etc. on both techniques as well. Additional findings on sonoenteroclysis were thickened bowel wall with loss of stratification, ascites, and lymphadenopathy. These were later diagnosed as cases of tuberculosis.
“The results of sonoenteroclysis were comparable to barium enteroclysis and also provided additional information regarding bowel wall and surrounding structures,” said Dr. Nagi. “This examination is simple, non-invasive, without radiation, cheap and can be used as an initial investigation in patients with suspected small bowel diseases,” he said.
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-04/arrs-npi041108.php 本人已认领该文编译 被证实有效的诊断小肠功能紊乱的新方法
根据印度医学教育研究机构学者所开展的最新研究表明,Sonoenteroclysis是一种新的可用于评估和诊断小肠功能紊乱的超声技术,它可替代以往惯用的钡餐造影方法。Sonoenteroclysis 是一种新的经腹途径的超声诊疗方法,在该过程中,病人经鼻导管给予液体以减少肠内气体。
该研究的领导人Birinder Nagi 博士讲到,“目前为止,已有很多种评估小肠功能的方法,但是这些技术要么不够充分,要么存在着各种各样的不足和限制。” “其中放射学方法钡餐造影技术应用对多,但它不能很好的观察到小肠壁和周围的结构”。而另一项CT肠造影法则无法充分观察小肠粘膜的详细情况。而两者都需暴露于强射线下。PET-CT肠造影法是又一种有效评估方法,但仍需暴露于电离放射。MR肠造影法没有广泛应用,而且患者有可能在检查过程中发生呕吐现象。
该研究共有50名怀疑为小肠功能紊乱患者,他们先后经sonoenteroclysis 和钡餐造影方法诊断,而两者诊断结果相同。研究者重点观察了小肠壁厚度,管腔直径,肠蠕动以及肠损伤。其中10名患者显示小肠功能正常。而剩余的40名患者中有25名显示以下形式的功能紊乱:肠狭窄,肠膨胀,摺叠增厚以及严重损失等。而sonoenteroclysis方法检测还显示小肠壁增厚伴随分层损失,腹水以及淋巴结病。随后还有结核病例的诊断。
“用sonoenteroclysis的诊断结果与钡餐造影诊断相比,也证实了附加的与小肠壁及周围结果相关的信息” Nagi博士讲到。“该检查简单,无侵犯性,无需放射,便宜且可用于小肠功能紊乱可疑患者的初始调查。”
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-11-23 17:11