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Patients who suffer from heartburn are not at increased risk for heart problems as a result of taking Prilosec or Nexium, according to a review released Monday by the Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA and its Canadian counterpart began reviewing the drugs, used by tens of millions of people, back in May. The drug's manufacturer, AstraZeneca PLC, provided them with an early analysis of two small studies that suggested the possibility of a risk. The agency said its review of that study as well as 14 others indicated no increased risk for patients.
"FDA recommends that health care providers continue to prescribe, and patients continue to use these products as prescribed," the agency said.
Nexium is the world's No. 2 selling drug, with 2006 sales of $6.7 billion, according to health care research firm IMS Health.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,316340,00.html 本人认领翻译,哈哈!两天后交不出,其他网友自行认领 FDA: Heartburn Drugs Do Not Increase Risk of Heart Attack
Patients who suffer from heartburn are not at increased risk for heart problems as a result of taking Prilosec or Nexium, according to a review released Monday by the Food and Drug Administration.依据粮食与药物管理局星期一的发布,患有胃灼热的病人不会因为服用奥美拉唑缓释剂或耐信(药品商品名)而增加心脏病的发病风险。
The FDA and its Canadian counterpart began reviewing the drugs, used by tens of millions of people, back in May.从5月开始, FDA和它在加拿大的相应机构开始对这种用于百万人的药物进行审查。The drug's manufacturer, AstraZeneca PLC, provided them with an early analysis of two small studies that suggested the possibility of a risk. 这种药物的生产商AstraZeneca PLC提供了两项小研究的早期分析显示出风险的概率。 The agency said its review of that study as well as 14 others indicated no increased risk for patients .代办处声称依据其对研究的审查和14项其他证据,表明没有增加病人的风险。
"FDA recommends that health care providers continue to prescribe, and patients continue to use these products as prescribed," the agency said. “FDA推荐医疗保健部门继续开处方,病人继续把那些药作为处方药品”代办处说
Nexium is the world's No. 2 selling drug, with 2006 sales of $6.7 billion, according to health care research firm IMS Health. 耐信是世界第二大销售药物,根据健康保健研究公司“IMS Health”统计,其2006年的销售额为67亿美元。
从5月开始, FDA和它在加拿大的相应机构开始对这种用于百万人的药物进行审查。这种药物的生产商AstraZeneca PLC提供了两项小研究的早期分析显示出风险的概率。代办处声称依据其对研究的审查和14项其他证据,表明没有增加病人的风险。
耐信是世界第二大销售药物,根据健康保健研究公司“IMS Health”统计,其2006年的销售额为67亿美元。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-19 17:11