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In experiments with rats, scientists found that adolescent rodents developed an "acute tolerance" to alcohol, quickly recovering from the immediate effects alcohol had on their social behavior, while their adult counterparts remained impaired for a longer stretch.科学家以大鼠为实验对象,发现“青少年”鼠已经对酒精形成“急性耐受”,能从酒精对其社会行为的直接影响中迅速恢复,而对照成年大鼠恢复较慢。
For rats, social behavior essentially consists of sniffing and play fighting. In human terms, the animals' alcohol-induced impairment was akin to being unable to speak with your drinking buddies. 对于大鼠,其社会行为基本包括四处闻味和打闹。酒精对动物造成的伤害,对人类而言,是相似的,即酒肉朋友之间说话可能变得言不达意。
The teenage rodents, however, quickly regained their social skills. Thirty minutes after being given alcohol, their social behavior appeared normal; in contrast, the adult animals were still unable to interact normally, according to findings published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.然而,“青少年”鼠可快速恢复其社会技巧。在饮酒30分钟后,其社会行为恢复正常;相反,成年大鼠此时仍不能恢复其社会行为。该发现发表于《酒精中毒-临床与实验研究杂志》。
Though the findings come from animals, there may well be comparable differences between human teenagers and adults, according to lead study author Dr. Elena I. Varlinskaya of Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York.据Binghamton的Binghamton大学Dr. Elena I. Varlinskaya,该研究的第一作者说,这一发现源于动物实验,但是,对于人类青少年以及成年人而言,可能也存在这种差异。
This is concerning, she told Reuters Health, because this acute tolerance to alcohol's effects on social behavior could allow teenagers to drink more. Whereas adults might stop drinking when they feel their social skills slipping away, teenagers may have no such deterrent.在接受路透社健康栏目专访时,作者说,因为具有对酒精在社交行为方面影响的急性耐受,使青少年可以喝更多的酒,反之,成年人在察觉他们快失态时,可能不会再贪杯,这就关系到青少年可能没有这种威慑力。
"Teenagers drink primarily to be more social," Varlinskaya noted. So if their brains are better able to "counteract" the negative effects drinking can have on socializing, they may feel free to binge. Varlinskaya强调,青少年饮酒主要是为了更好得社交。如果其大脑能较好得消除酒精对社交能力的负面影响,他们就可肆无忌惮得狂欢。
Indeed, the researchers note in their report, the findings might help explain why so many teenagers not only drink, but drink heavily. One recent study found that nearly one third of U.S. high school seniors said they'd binged in the past two weeks. 研究人员在其报告中提到,该数据有助于解释,为何会有那么多的青少年不但饮酒,而且酒量很大。最近一研究发现,在美国高中,近1/3的高年级学生承认自己在两周内曾经狂饮过。
And although teenagers' brains might counteract some immediate effects of drinking, there's evidence from animal research that they may be more vulnerable to long-term brain damage from alcohol abuse, according to Varlinskaya. Varlinskaya说,尽管青少年大脑可以对抗饮酒的某些直接影响,但是,动物实验证明,青少年中更容易发生酒精滥用所引发的大脑长期损伤。
One recent study in rats found that binge-drinking damaged parts of the adolescent brain that were left unharmed in adults.近期一项大鼠研究发现,大量饮酒对青少年鼠大脑部分的伤害,在成年鼠中未出现。
Varlinskaya said more research is needed to see whether such effects hold true in humans. Varlinskaya说,需要进一步研究,以明确这些影响是否也适用于人类。 编译投稿 字数 611[标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-18 12:58