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Smoke Exposure Affects Children’s Future Heart Health
By Courtney Ware
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD Jan. 10, 2011 -- Parents who smoke around their preschool-aged children may increase their kids’ risk of having higher blood pressure at that young age compared to children who have parents who do not smoke, according to research published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.
The study, performed by German researchers from the University of Heidelberg in Germany, is the first to show that environmental nicotine exposure can increase the blood pressure of children as young as 4 and 5 years old. And researchers say smoke exposure is likely to have a similar effect on the blood pressure of children in the U.S.
The study included 4,236 preschool children, aged 4 to 7years old, from the Heidelberg Kindergarten Blood Pressure Project, who were examined from February 2007 to October 2008. Researchers gathered questionnaires from 4,185 parents on their smoking habits. Parents who smoked: 28.5% of fathers, 20.7% of mothers, and 11.9% for both parents.
Factors That Raise a Child’s Blood Pressure
Height, body mass index (BMI), sex, and prenatal risk factors affected children’s blood pressure, according to the study. Obese children were almost twice as likely to have a high-normal or elevated systolic (the top number) blood pressure.
Girls had lower systolic blood pressure than boys, research showed.
Children born preterm or with low birth weight had higher systolic blood pressure values than children born at term, and children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy had higher systolic blood pressure than those who were not exposed during pregnancy. The study confirms findings from previous studies that these factors independently are associated with higher blood pressure in early childhood.
However, the unique finding of this study was the new evidence that exposure to tobacco smoke from smoking parents may raise the blood pressure of kids as young as 4 and 5 years old. Kids exposed to nicotine and smoke at home had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure than kids who were not exposed.
Children whose parents smoked had a 21% greater chance of having systolic blood pressure in the top 15%, even after researchers adjusted for the other risk factors mentioned above.
“Smoking adds to other risk factors,” Giacomo D. Simonetti, MD, says in a news release. “Average blood pressure increased in proportion to the cumulative number of risk factors present.”
The Argument for Smoke-Free Environments
The study suggests that implementing smoke-free environments, especially at home, may be necessary to preserve heart health for not only adults, but also for children. Researchers found that mothers smoking had a larger effect on kids’ blood pressure than fathers smoking. The difference may be that mothers were more likely to smoke at home while fathers smoked more while at work, researchers say.
“The prevention of adult diseases like stroke or heart attack begins during childhood,” Simonetti says. “Removing any avoidable risk factors as soon as possible will help reduce the risk for heart disease later on and improve the long-term health of children.” 认领 48小时内交稿 滚动_新闻中心_新浪网2005年11月23日... 一些中成药可于治疗人禽流感患者时辨证施治 湖南物价监测通报:37家医院医药... 将尽所能和他一道走过生命的顿挫之谷 毕淑敏:拯救孩子,家庭和社会有很多工...news.sina.com.cn/...1123.shtml-2005-11-23-快照-吃肉才高尚;素食主义者是不道德的……_关天茶舍_天涯社区发表时间:2005-3-17回帖数:275 一些素食着鼓吹吃素能让人变得高尚,而吃肉让人变得凶残.实际上,肉食有助于儿童成长:... 但是不负责任引导人就是问题了. 对于孩子,逼迫他们素食,在现有的科学研究成果下确实...www.tianya.cn/publicforum/C... - 2005-04-07-快照-木星土著人家(2006-05-01 00:00:00 ~ 2006-06-01 00:00:00档案)科学家认为,花时间和孩子一起做游戏能够提高成年人的记忆力和认知能力.比如时***行... 28、戒烟. 吸烟的确不是什么好习惯.调查显示,美国每年有43万人因为吸烟而引起的疾...www.newsmth.net/...&y=2006&m=5-2006-06-01-快照-[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-23 00:48