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【medical-news】男性 VS 女性:上了年纪 谁的记性更
男性 VS 女性:上了年纪 谁的记性更差?
Study Shows Older Men More Likely to Have Memory Problems Than Older Women
Men have a reputation for having a bad memory, forgetting birthdays or anniversaries -- or so the stereotype goes. Now, a new study lends some science to the stereotype, at least for older men.
Men 70-plus are more likely than women in that age range to have memory problems and other cognitive impairments, according to researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who presented the finding this week at the American Academy of Neurology 60th annual conference in Chicago.
明尼苏达州(Minnesota)罗彻斯特市(Rochester) 麦尔医疗中心(Mayo Clinic)的研究人员,在本周芝加哥的美国神经学会的第60届年会上报道,男人在大于70岁时比同样年龄阶段的女人更容易出现记忆问题或其他损害。
The research team evaluated what is known as mild cognitive impairment, a transition stage between normal cognitive functioning and dementia, in 1,969 men and women ages 70 to 89. Having mild cognitive impairment increases the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease over the next few years, but not everyone with mild cognitive impairment gets Alzheimer's.
"We found that the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment was higher in men than in women," says Rosebud Roberts, MD, an associate professor of epidemiology at Mayo Clinic and a study co-investigator.
麦尔医疗中心流行病学副教授,研究的合作者,Rosebud Roberts医生说;“我们发现在男性中轻度认知障碍的发病率高于女性。”
Men were 1.6 times as likely as women to have the cognitive problems, she says.
Men, Women, and Memory
Previous studies have tried to evaluate which sex has the better memory. But the research looking at sex differences in memory and other cognitive function has yielded mixed results, Roberts tells WebMD.
"Some studies have reported sex differences in mild cognitive impairment," she says, "but the reports have been inconsistent."
Roberts and her colleagues randomly selected residents from Olmsted County, Minn., who were ages 70 to 89 at the start of the study in 2004. The researchers administered cognitive tests, had a physician examine them, and interviewed them.
Roberts和她的同事们随机选择明尼苏达州,Olmsted County的居民,年龄从70到89岁,从2004年开始研究。研究人员进行了认知测试,并由医生对他们进行了体检和谈话。
The researchers also talked to someone who knew each participant well, such as their spouse, to ask about cognitive functioning. Then they classified them as having normal cognition, mild impairment, or dementia.
In all, 16.7% had mild cognitive impairment, Roberts found. Men were 1.6 times more likely than women to have mild cognitive impairment, even after factoring in such variables as age and marital status.
Interpreting the Findings
The new findings are at odds with some studies that have concluded women have more dementia than men, Roberts says. She isn't certain how to interpret the findings thoroughly yet. The findings may suggest that men have a delayed progression from mild impairment to dementia or that women stay in the mild-impairment transition phase more briefly, progressing more quickly than men do to dementia, she says.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-19 17:14