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Title:Strategies for the investigation and control of process-related impurities in drug substances
Author:Mark D. Argentinea, Paul K. Owensa and Bernard A. Olsen
Resource:Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,Volume 59, Issue 1 , 10 January 2007, Pages 12-28
Abstract:The understanding, identification, quantification and control of impurities in drug substances are essential as new molecular entities are evaluated in clinical development. As chemical processes used to produce drug substances mature from the early phases of development through registration, a concomitant maturing of process-related impurity understanding and control is required. This paper outlines strategies available to pharmaceutical scientists to aid in that understanding. Methodology aspects for impurity investigations are discussed along with an emphasis on understanding the origin and fate of impurities to guide decisions on process controls and specifications. Orthogonal analytical approaches for impurity investigations to provide a complete understanding of a drug substance impurity profile and to aid chemical process development are described. Special considerations necessary for stereochemical impurity investigations are also discussed. Considerations for control of toxic impurities include sensitive and selective analytical methodology and determination of the process capability for removing the impurity. A case study is given where routine analytical testing for a toxic impurity was not required because a high impurity rejection efficiency of the synthetic process was demonstrated. Quality assessment of starting materials from multiple sources and the impact of starting material impurities on the impurity profile of the drug substance are discussed with illustrative examples. Knowledge gained from these investigations provides a sound basis for setting specifications for impurities in key starting materials.
PMID: 17189658 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 Title:Strategies for the investigation and control of process-related impurities in drug substances
标题:药物中与过程有关的相关物质的研究与控制策略 字数:516
作者:Mark D. Argentinea, Paul K. Owensa and Bernard A. Olsen
期刊来源:Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,Volume 59, Issue 1 , 10 January 2007, Pages 12-28
PMID: 17189658 请试着将其改为新闻稿格式,稍微改换一下形式,不是直译,而是稍微变一下,成报道的形式,比如第一段是总的报道,研究者,单位,结论等等。
最近,科学家们又发现超过100种致癌的新基因。这项国际性的研究名为癌症基因组计划,研究发现的致癌基因数量远远超过人们的想象。这一结果发表在3月8日的《自然》上。(Nature, 2007; 446:153)
英国剑桥圣格研究院的癌症基因组的领导人之一Michael Stratton表示,新癌基因的数量远远超过了他们的预料。癌症基因组计划的科学家们研究了518个蛋白激酶基因外显子序列。这些蛋白激酶与细胞的生长、增殖、分化有关。其中有一部分基因已被证实与癌症相关。科学家们还对210种不同类型的癌症细胞进行研究分析,试图寻找只在这些癌细胞表达而不表达于非癌症细胞的基因突变。他们发现了1000多个癌特异性的基因突变,其中的120多个为“启动”基因,这些基因能引发癌细胞的疯狂生长。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-17 17:14