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Giving Infants Vitamin D May Cut Diabetes Risk
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Vitamin D supplementation during infancy may protect children against the development of type 1 diabetes, according to a review of observational studies. 纽约路透健康,据一项观察研究报告,婴儿时期用维生素D辅助治疗能防止发生1型糖尿病
"The major finding is that (infants) supplemented with vitamin D were 29 percent less likely to develop type 1 diabetes in later life," lead author Dr. Christos S. Zipitis told Reuters Health.
主要作者Dr. Christos S. Zipitis 告诉路透健康 ,主要的发现是,婴儿时期用维生素D,成人期糖尿病的发生率减少29%“
He and his colleagues are now calling for clinical trials to confirm this finding, and to determine the optimal vitamin D formulation, dose, and duration of use.
Dr. Christos S. Zipitis 及其同事,正在要求进行临床试验,确认这个发现,并确定最佳的服药期间维生素D的配方和剂量
Previous individual studies have not been consistent, said Zipitis, a pediatrician with the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust in the UK. "Our study provides the strongest evidence to date that vitamin supplementation might be protective against subsequent development of type 1 diabetes."
以前的研究意见也不是一致的,英国国家保险制度基金信托部的儿科医师说,Dr. Christos S. Zipitis ,“我们的研究提供了最有力的证据资料,维生素D 补充物,能防止成人后发生糖尿病
In the last few decades, vitamin D supplementation has been falling, while the rate of type 1 diabetes has been rising, according to the team's report in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
根据孩童期疾病档案,该研究组的报告,过去几十年,维生素D 补充物的使用正在减少,而1型糖尿病正在上升
Furthermore, rates of type 1 diabetes are higher in areas with reduced sun exposure and during seasons with reduced sunlight, both of which suggest a link to vitamin D since sunlight triggers vitamin D production in the skin.
而且,1型糖尿病,在阳光照射不足的地区和季节发病率高,因为阳光进入人体皮肤产生维生素D 。二者均提示与维生素D有关
The present research, according to Zipitis, is a review of all studies on the subject to date. The researchers identified five studies that conformed to their selection criteria, covering a total of 6455 children.
依照Zipitis, 当前的研究,是复习所有对这个课题的研究资料,研究人员们 确定了5项研究,包含了共计6455个儿童,都符合他么的选择标准。
"Vitamin D supplementation should be commenced from birth, for at least the first 2 years of life," Zipitis advised.
Zipitis, 建议“出生时就应该补充维生素D,至少是在两岁时“
However, he emphasized, it is possible to have "too much of a good thing" and cautioned that excessive vitamin D supplementation can lead to problems.
OURCE: Archives of Disease in Childhood, online March 13, 2008.
美国路透健康报道,英国国家保险制度基金信托部的儿科医师,Dr. Christos S. Zipitis ,发现,婴儿时期用维生素D,成人期糖尿病的发生率减少29%“
他复习了过去的5项研究,维生素D 补充物,能防止成人后发生糖尿病,包含共计6455儿童。还提出过去几十年,维生素D 补充物的使用正在减少,而1型糖尿病正在上升 。阳光照射不足的地区和季节1型糖尿病发病率高,因为阳光进入人体皮肤产生维生素D 建议“出生时就应该补充维生素D,至少是在两岁时“并警告,过多的补充维生素D也能出问题 [标签:content1][标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-01-15 17:14