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Scientists in Groton and NL believed to be most at risk
Pfizer Inc. is planning to announce organizational changes that likely will lead to job cuts at its research campuses in Groton and New London sometime in January, according to several sources.
Pfizer had been expected to make the changes by the end of the year, but Rod MacKenzie, head of Worldwide Discovery Research for the company, said in a letter to employees Monday that such “role clarity” would have to wait.
”Given the complexity of the changes within Research, I have concluded that we will not be able to provide that clarity or communicate them (sic) by the end of the year,” according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Day.
Sources have said local scientists in Pfizer's Discovery division - the people at the front lines of discovering new medications - would be most at risk of losing their jobs. Scientists in the Development division that tests medications in anticipation of approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration would be less affected, they added.
It was not known how many scientists would be affected. Pfizer already has cut about 14,000 jobs worldwide in the past two years, part of a program that has netted $1.7 billion in cost savings. But analysts have said more cuts will be needed to compensate for revenue losses expected in 2011 when the company's blockbuster drug Lipitor goes off patent.
In October, Pfizer announced a decision to reorganize the company into three business units. It also decided to drop efforts to develop drugs in several therapeutic areas, including obesity.
At the time, the company said the decision to phase out some research areas would lead to layoffs. But a spokeswoman added that the company had no plans for layoffs related to its reorganization at that time.
At the same time that layoffs have been occurring and further job losses are anticipated, Pfizer has announced several research alliances with companies in India, China and the United Kingdom.
”Morale is at an all-time low, with nothing going on in the labs right now,” said one source who works locally.
A report last week on the Web site Bloomberg.com said Pfizer was expected to announce a new round of job cuts in January. The story mentioned overall headcounts but didn't specify reductions in research.
Pfizer at the time did not deny that more cuts were ahead.
”Going forward, we will continue to look for ways to operate the company more efficiently,” Ray Kerins, a company spokesman, told the business news site.
Pfizer employees on various message boards said they were finding it difficult to deal with the uncertainties of whether they would keep their jobs or not.
MacKenzie, in his letter, acknowledged how disappointing the delay in announcing changes would be to employees.
”However, I remain committed to reshaping Worldwide Research, to getting these decisions right, and we will communicate the organizational changes, and what they mean to every Worldwide Research colleague, as soon as possible,” he said. 看看辉瑞的159年发展历程:裁员并不是第一次,也不会是最后一次
回顾辉瑞一个半世纪的历史,其中前一个世纪,辉瑞是一家主要生产化学品的家族企业,制药企业的供应商。在二次大战期间,抓住青霉素这一难得的历史性的契机,辉瑞用内部投资的方式完成了前向一体化,即向制药业转型,构筑了竞争壁垒。同时公开上市,实现了经理人管理,完成了家族企业向公众公司的转化。通过土霉素等抗生素领域新药的内部研发和营销实践,积累了自身的基础能力,形成了战略边界。成为当时实力最强的制药企业。 面对20世纪60年代新药研发瓶颈、销售额降低以及政府价格管制的环境,辉瑞选择了相关以及非相关产业的多元化,重新设定了战略边界,但是没有积累出与此相关的基础能力,多元化的结果是大而强的公司逐渐变得更大而不强。尤其是辉瑞没有抓住20世纪70年代开始的制药业的新机会,在整个80年代发展迟缓。进入90年代,通过重新聚焦核心的处方药领域,一方面,用内部投资的方式加强自身研发实力,另一方面,用对外合作的方式加强专利权许可授权销售。同时剥离或者卖掉非相关产业。用充足的处方药产品系列扩大和锻炼了营销和销售能力。形成了新的战略边界,并借此优势完成了两次重要的合并,使辉瑞再次回到制药业的第一把交椅。
在辉瑞的国际化中,我们无疑还要关注它在中国的扩张。辉瑞早早就进入了中国市场。1989年10月,辉瑞选择了有近50年历史的大连制药厂(国内抗生素大型生产基地之一)作为合作伙伴,合资兴建了辉瑞制药有限公司,注册资本为5 040万美元,投资总额为6 040万美元,是国内投资规模最大的合资制药企业之一,是当年大连市引进的最大一笔外资。1992年,合资公司完成基本建设并投入生产和销售,曾被列入1997~1998年度中国外商投资企业500强,在国内获得了第一个GMP认证证书,产品达到了中国药典和美国药典的标准。上市的所有品种均是引进美国辉瑞公司的新药。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-05 05:11