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SYSTEMS BIOLOGY:Tracing Life's Circuitry

A new movement aims to integrate biology, mathematics, and engineering; even if its objective is hard to define, it is all the rage in the academic world。

In September, Harvard University opened its medical school's first new department in 20 years. Its focus: systems biology, one of the hottest--and most elusive--new fields in biology. The nearby Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) had already started a Computational and Systems Biology Initiative with 80 faculty members. And the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is following suit, planning its own systems biology institute. All are forging links between biologists, mathematicians, and engineers. Systems biology is fast becoming the academic topic du jour.
Fueling this movement is a gush of data. New technologies have inundated researchers with a deluge of information on genes, proteins, cellular dynamics, and organisms' responses to mutations and the environment. But they haven't explained what makes whole organisms tick. Systems biologists are taking on that challenge, relying heavily on mathematics and statistics to integrate data into a more complete picture of how biological networks from cells to whole organisms function. They are building models and making predictions about how biological systems will behave; the ultimate goal is to understand deep mysteries--such as how cells divide, animals develop, plants flower, and humans breathe.

There's a new world coming, says one of the proponents, David Galas, a molecular biologist at the Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, California. "It seems to me," he says, "this is the beginning of real biology."

http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/302/5651/1646 院内相关背景:

http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/post/view?bid=116&id=543395&sty=1&tpg=1&age=-1 系统理论中的鲁棒概念在肿瘤研究的应用:

呵呵,感觉应该给songyunlong兄加分啊。 Thank you for your kind comments! The challenge for systems biology is to discover answers to biology's questions, and the challenge for the molecular biologists is not only to provide answers to these questions, but also to explain the answers given by systems biology. And after molecular biology has given its final answers, the systems biologist must identify the general principles that lead to the actual combination of molecular mechanisms. At its best, then, systems biology and molecular biology work hand-in-hand to provide a complete picture of how and why Biology is the way it is.

--------systems biology Vs molecular biology, Current Biology Vol 14 No 2 几篇参考文献和图示



Kiroaki Kitano 综述: 从系统水平理解生物学系统
http://www.sbw-sbml.org/general/papers/foundations/kitano.pdf 访美国系统生物学研究所观感

系统生物学在国外非常热门, 投入巨大, 美国系统生物学研究所自2000年成立以来, 已投入数亿美元的研究费用, 现已有研究人员与雇员170多名, 10多名PI, 在各自研究领域都非常出色, 很有建树. 每年都能拿到巨额研究经费.







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-08-12 17:22