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Drug resistant HIV: Promising research on three new drugs gives hope for chronically infected patients. BMJ Volume 334, pp1124-1125
耐药HIV: 3个新药研究前景看好,慢性感染病人大有希望。BMJ Volume 334, pp1124-1125
Newswise — A major breakthrough for people infected with AIDS is on the horizon, according to an editorial in this week’s BMJ.
Newswise— 据本周BMJ杂志报道,艾滋病研究的重大突破就将出现。
Three new drugs are predicted to help transform the long-term prognosis for people with the AIDS virus, says an editorial in the journal, which points towards highly promising results from trials of three new drugs.
HIV patients in “deep salvage” – meaning those people who have developed multidrug resistant HIV that does not respond to drug combination therapy – could benefit the most.
那些多耐药HIV感染者,联合用药也没有什么效果,就是所谓的需要“深度营救(deep salvage)”的HIV患者,他们将受益最大。
“This year, we may witness a dramatic shift in how these patients are managed,” says the editorial written by Hiroyu Hatano, infectious diseases fellow and Steven Deeks, associate professor of medicine, both of San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, USA.
由美国加州大学及旧金山总医院的医学副教授Steven Deeks和感染性疾病成员Hiroyu Hatano共同发表的社评说:“今年我们将目睹针对这些病人的治疗上的重大改变。”
For the first time in the HIV epidemic, three new agents have been developed for the management of the drug resistant virus, they say.
“Hence for patients in deep salvage, 2007 may be comparable to the landmark events of 1996, when the near miraculous effects of combination therapy were first observed,” they write.
The drugs are the HIV integrase inhibitors, R5 inhibitors, and etravirine (TMC125) – a second generation non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
Some caution is necessary about potential hype around new treatments for these patients, they warn, and add that it is not possible to predict the end of deep salvage for all people with HIV.
But within the next year, the world will “probably” see a remarkable transformation in the long-term prognosis for a generation of chronically ill, HIV-infected adults, they conclude.
耐药HIV: 3个新药研究前景看好,慢性感染病人大有希望。BMJ Volume 334, pp1124-1125
Newswise— 据本周BMJ杂志报道,艾滋病研究的重大突破就将出现。
那些多耐药HIV感染者,联合用药也没有什么效果,就是所谓的需要“深度营救(deep salvage)”的HIV患者,他们将受益最大。
由美国加州大学及旧金山总医院的医学副教授Steven Deeks和感染性疾病成员Hiroyu Hatano共同发表的社评说:“今年我们将目睹针对这些病人的治疗上的重大改变。”
但是他们最后认为,明年人们将“有可能”看到一代成人慢性HIV感染者的长期预后的巨大改观。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-02-16 05:15