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【 Nature Reviews Cancer编译】警惕药物和毒素通过乳
Transporter for milk toxins
Nature Reviews Cancer AOP, published online 18 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nrc1576
Helen Dell
Many medicines, carcinogens and environmental contaminants accumulate in milk — a potential health risk for breast-fed infants and those fond of dairy food. Jonker and colleagues have identified the transporter responsible for the secretion of several drugs and toxins into milk in mice, cows and humans.
The authors were studying the breast cancer resistance protein ABCG2 (also known as BCRP), an ATP-binding cassette drug transporter. This transporter expels drugs, carcinogens and environmental toxins across the cell membrane, which can lead to multidrug resistance in cancer cells. Its substrates are many and varied, including the potent dietary mutagen PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazol[4,5-b]pyridine); topotecan, a cancer drug; cimetidine, a common treatment for ulcers and heartburn; and acyclovir, an antiviral drug.
The presence of ABCG2 in the epithelia of the intestine, kidney and bile canal indicates that this transporter helps to limit toxins in the body, getting rid of them through several excretion routes. But Jonker and colleagues found the mouse ABCG2 protein at high levels in the mammary epithelia during pregnancy and lactation. By contrast, virgin or non-lactating mice had little ABCG2 in the mammary epithelia. There is a similar pattern in cows and humans, with ABCG2 being highly expressed in lactating mammary glands, but absent from non-lactating ones.
To test whether this transporter might be responsible for the secretion of toxic compounds into milk, the researchers injected lactating wild-type and Abcg2-null mice with PhIP or topotecan. In the wild-type mice, both compounds were concentrated into the milk, unlike the knockout mice, where there was no secretion of either compound. Moreover, giving the ABCG2 inhibitor GF120918 to the wild-type mice also blocked secretion of topotecan into their milk.
Why a transporter that usually has a protective role, eliminating harmful compounds from the body, also secretes toxins to a suckling infant is hard to understand. That the presence of ABCG2 in the mammary gland has been conserved from mice to cows and humans implies an important role, and the authors speculate that the transporter might also secrete nutrients into milk, compensating for the risk from toxin contamination. They note, however, that the suckling pups of Abcg2-null mothers did not seem to be malnourished.
The findings have several useful implications. ABCG2 substrates might well accumulate in milk and their use should probably be restricted for breast-feeding mothers, and possibly for dairy cattle. Conversely, there might be cases where the transfer of drugs through milk is desirable. For instance, acyclovir, an antiviral used to treat opportunistic viral infections in HIV-positive individuals, is also an ABCG2 substrate that is concentrated in milk, and using this delivery route might reduce transmission of viruses from mother to baby.
作者正在研究乳腺癌抵抗蛋白ABCG2 (也称BCRP)——一个ATP结合盒药物运载体。这个运载体使药物、诱癌物质和环境毒素排出细胞膜,这可以导致癌细胞对多种药物的抵抗。它的底物很多且都不相同,包括食物疗法诱变剂PhIP(2-氨-1-甲基-6-苯基咪达唑仑[4,5-b]吡啶);抗癌药托泊替康;西咪替丁;抗病毒药阿西洛韦。
这个发现有几个重要的暗示。ABCG2底物可能适当蓄积在奶汁中,它们可能是对哺乳母亲的限制,尤其是奶牛。相反地,这种药物通过奶汁的转运在某种情形下也是需要的。例如,阿西洛韦在HIV阳性个体中通常用于治疗条件性病毒感染,但也浓集于奶汁中,这个传送途径减少了病毒从母亲到婴儿的传送。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-07 18:33