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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Oral contraceptives with low levels of estrogen and progestin reduce the risk of ovarian cancer even more than older versions of the "Pill", according to investigators at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.
The benefits of oral contraceptive pills in protecting against ovarian cancer have long been recognized, Dr. Galina Lurie and her colleagues note in their report in the medical journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. However, over the last 30 years the doses of hormones in the pills have been decreased, to reduce side effects.
Galina Lurie博士和他的同事在发表在《产科与妇科》医学杂志的文章中提到,长期以来人们就意识到口服避孕药有益于预防卵巢癌。然而,持续30年来,这些避孕药片里的激素含量都不断降低以减少不良反应。
To see how this might have affected ovarian cancer risk, Lurie's group conducted a population-based study in Hawaii and Los Angeles involving 745 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and a comparison group of 943 women matched by age and ethnicity and who were free of cancer.
Health information was collected by standard questionnaires, and interviewers used photo albums to help participants identify the specific oral contraceptive pills they had used.
Overall, women who had used any oral contraceptive had a 50 percent reduction in the risk of developing ovarian cancer than women who had never taken the Pill, the investigators report.
However, the risk was reduced by 38 percent for women who took high estrogen and high progestin pills, while the risk reduction was 81 percent for those taking pills with low levels of both hormones.
"Up to 42 percent of ovarian cancers might have been avoided if all women used some form of combined oral contraceptive pills," Lurie and her associates calculate.
Furthermore, they say, "An estimated 73 percent of ovarian cancers might have been avoided if all women used oral contraceptive pill formulation of low estrogen and low progestin."
Lurie 和她的助手预测:“如果所有的女性都服用某种复合口服避孕药的话,避免患上卵巢癌的几率可能高达42%,并且,如果她们都服用服用雌激素和黄体酮含量低的药片的话,估计73%的卵巢癌可以避免”。
SOURCE: Obstetrics & Gynecology, March 2007.
檀香山的夏威夷大学研究者,Galina Lurie博士和同事在发表在《产科与妇科》医学杂志的文章中提到,长久以来人们就意识到口服避孕药有益于预防卵巢癌。然而,30年来,这些避孕药的激素含量都在不断降低以减少不良反应。
Lurie 和她的助手预测:“如果女性都服用某种复合口服避孕药的话,避免患上卵巢癌的几率可能高达42%,并且,如果她们都服用服用雌激素和黄体酮含量低的药片的话,估计73%的卵巢癌可以避免”。 Low-dose "Pill"还是译为”低剂量'药片' “吧,因为文章实际上是讲激素水平低。个人意见,仅供参考。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-02 05:14