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Depression Treatment Doesn't Help Diabetes Control

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many people with diabetes also feel depressed, which is thought to interfere with their ability to regulate their blood sugar levels well. However, improvements in depressive symptoms don't lead to better control of glucose levels, according to a new report.
"While clinical depression should be treated in all patients, treating depressed mood (non-clinical depression) in patients with type 2 diabetes as a strategy to improve glycemic control is not effective," Dr. Richard S. Surwit from Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina told Reuters Health.
卡洛林拉医学中心教授Dr. Richard S. Surwit告诉路透;“虽然,所有的病人都必须治疗抑郁症,但作为一个策略,治疗2型糖尿病人的临床抑郁情绪(非临床抑郁),对改善血糖是没有效果的“
Surwit and associates investigated whether 16 weeks of cognitive behavior therapy would affect control of blood glucose levels in 28 patients with type 1 diabetes and 62 with type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Richard S. Surwit及其同事调查,28个1型糖尿病人和62个2型糖尿病人,经过16个星期的认知治疗,是否能影响血糖控制
Over a one-year period, changes in depression symptoms did not have an effect on A1c levels -- a measure of glucose levels over the long term -- or fasting blood glucose levels, regardless of the type of diabetes, the researchers report in the medical journal Psychosomatic Medicine.
Even among the subgroup of 17 patients with clinical depression, the researchers note, there was no evidence of an improvement in HbA1c levels as depression improved.
The results were "somewhat of a surprise," Surwit said. However, he and his associates point out, "Thus far, the evidence of a link between depressive symptoms and glycemic control has been modest at best, and our current findings raise further doubts about this hypothesized relationship."
这些结果“令人有些惊奇” Dr. Richard S. Surwit说,他和他的同事指出“抑郁症状和血糖控制之间的关系的证据,远远不是最佳状态,我们现在的发现,对假定的关系,增加进一步的怀疑“
SOURCE: Psychosomatic Medicine, April 2007. 请编译。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-06-15 05:11