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Scientists Are Made, Not Born - Fed Economists

NEW YORK (路透社)报道: “科学家不是天生的, 而是后天造就的”。达拉斯联邦储备银行的经济学家在星期一在纽约时报的意见专栏中写道。他们认为有关妇女和她们在科学研究方面的能力的争论已偏离了科学家如何产生和培养的关键点
该专栏评论的作者,达拉斯联邦储备银行首席经济学家W. Michael和该行的另一位经济学家理查德Alm,纽约时报中写道: 科学知识技能需要求多年的教育, 重要的是为大学里的年轻妇女打开选择和机遇的大门。

“辩论妇女的智力是否适合科学研究显然并无多大意义。 妇女们自身的能力和表现(逐个获得学位)已经很说明问题了”作者说。(这一评论主要针对前不久哈佛大学校长对妇女带有歧视性言论所作的评论)

著名经济学家和前任美国财政部长, 哈佛大学大学校长Lawrence Summers,上个月在某会议中发表他的观点” 妇女在数学和自然科学方面也许不具备与男人同等的能力”, 引来了众人的严厉批评。(包括校内抗议, 校友威胁停止捐款, 甚至逼迫校长下台)


今天,妇女获得兽医学和药学中的大约三分之二学位; 她们在法学院也获得接近50%的学位,而在医学院毕业生中也高达40%。“当然妇女仍然面临有关性和就业的一些棘手问题:诸如同等薪酬,产假,照顾家庭的弹性工作时间等。 但在受教育和给予机会方面,妇女日益接近在影艺表演领域的机会,”经济学家说。

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The current debate on women and their scientific abilities has missed the central point that scientists are made, not born, economists at the Federal Reserve (news - web sites) Bank of Dallas wrote in an opinion piece in The New York Times on Monday.
The authors, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas chief economist W. Michael Cox and Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas economist Richard Alm, wrote that scientific knowledge requires years of education, and what matters are the choices and opportunities open to young women at universities.
"Clearly, debating whether women are intellectually equipped for sciences makes little sense. Women themselves have already settled the issue, one degree at a time," the authors said.
Harvard University President Lawrence Summers, a well-known economist and former U.S. treasury secretary, drew harsh criticism last month when he suggested women may not have the same natural ability in math and science as men.

The authors say in the editorial piece that in the early 1970's, women received less than 10 percent of all graduate degrees in law, medicine, and veterinary medicine, and they were below 20 percent in pharmacy.
Today, they said women earn about two-thirds of the degrees in veterinary medicine and pharmacy; they are approaching 50 percent in law, and have topped 40 percent in medicine.
"There are of course still a few hot-button issues concerning gender and employment: equality in pay, maternity leave, flexible time for family commitments. But in terms of education and opportunity, women are getting ever closer to a level playing field," the economists said.


中新网2月17日电 美国著名大学哈佛坦率直言的校长拉里·萨默斯现在面临辞职危机,这一切皆因他的言论引起了该校教职员工的强烈反映。




作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-14 05:11