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Tips for Preventing/Fighting the Flu

Tips for Preventing/Fighting the Flu
27 Nov 2004
Here are some tips for protecting yourself against the flu and lessening the symptoms if you do get it.

-- Preventing the flu

- Flu vaccinations are the best defense against the flu, but because of the vaccine shortage this year, only at-risk individuals should get them.

- Keep your distance from people who have the flu. And stay home if you're sick. You're contagious even before you show symptoms and for 3-5 days after the symptoms appear.

- Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze

- Wash your hands often

- Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke, eat healthful foods, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, reduce stress.

-- Treating the symptoms

- Get lots of rest and stay away from other people

- Drink at least six cups of clear fluids daily

- Take over-the-counter aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve fever, headache and muscle aches (Do not give aspirin to children and teens under age 20). Saline nose drops or nasal decongestants are also useful.

- Raise the humidity in your home (use a humidifier or sit in the bathroom with hot shower running)

- Sleep with your head elevated

- Gargle with salt water (1/4 teaspoon salt in eight ounces of warm water) or suck on hard candy to relieve a sore throat

-- See your doctor if

- You are at-risk for serious complications from the flu

- You have a fever of 104 degrees or higher

- Your symptoms get worse after three to five days, especially fever or cough

- You are coughing up blood or thick mucus

- You develop chest pain, facial swelling, earache or severe pain in the face or forehead

- You develop painful or difficult breathing, wheezing or difficulty swallowing

- Your symptoms don't improve after seven days

- Your symptoms are not gone after 14 days

- Your child becomes unresponsive or has a fever lasting longer than 72 hours

1、  疫苗是对抗流感的最好方法
2、  与已患流感的人保持一定的距离。如果不幸感染,请呆在家中。再出现症状和症状消失的3-5天内是具有传染性的。
3、  咳嗽或打喷嚏的是后请使用纸巾。
4、  经常洗手。
5、  保持健康的生活方式:避免吸烟或二手烟、健康饮食、多喝水、常锻炼、睡足觉、释放压力。
1、  注意多休息并于他人隔离。
2、  至少每天喝六杯清水。
3、  服用非处方药,如阿司匹林、扑热息痛、布洛分来减轻发烧、头痛、肌肉疼痛(20岁以下的儿童和青年不可服用阿司匹林)。向鼻子里滴眼水也很有效。
4、  提高室内湿度,可以使用加湿器或直接在浴室洗热水浴。
5、  大脑兴奋的时候睡觉。
6、  用盐水漱口,1/4勺盐溶到8盎司水中,或吸入糖来减轻咽痛。
1、  流感带来的严重并发症
2、  发热至华氏104度
3、  症状3-5天开始强烈,尤其是发烧和咳嗽
4、  咳嗽出血或粘痰
5、  症状加深,如呼吸困难、哮喘、吞咽困难
6、  14天症状没有消失
7、  孩子反应迟钝,72小时不退热。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]


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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-08-05 06:26