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Author:Uemura T, Randall HB, Sanchez EQ, Ikegami T, Narasimhan G, McKenna GJ, Chinnakotla S, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB.
source:Liver Transpl. 2007 Feb;13(2):227-33.
Initial graft function following liver transplantation is a major determinant of postoperative survival and morbidity. Primary graft nonfunction (PNF) is uncommon; however, it is one of the most serious and life-threatening conditions in the immediate postoperative period. The risk factors associated with PNF and short-term outcome have been previously reported, but there are no reports of long-term follow-up after retransplant for PNF. At our institution, 52 liver transplants had PNF (2.22%) among 2,341 orthotopic liver transplants in 2,130 patients from 1984 to 2003. PNF occurred more often in the retransplant setting. Female donors, donor age, donor days in the intensive care unit, cold ischemia time, and operating room time were significant factors for PNF. Patient as well as graft survival of retransplant for PNF was not different compared to retransplant for other causes. However, PNF for a second or third transplant did not demonstrate long-term survival, and hospital mortality was 57%. In conclusion, retransplant for PNF in the initial transplant can achieve relatively good long-term survival; however, if another transplant is needed in the setting of a second PNF, the third retransplant should probably not be done due to poor expected outcome 本人认领此文. 如在48小时内未能提交译文, 其他战友自由认领 Title: Liver retransplantation for primary nonfunction: analysis of a 20-year single-center experience
Author:Uemura T, Randall HB, Sanchez EQ, Ikegami T, Narasimhan G, McKenna GJ, Chinnakotla S, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB.
作者:Uemura T, Randall HB, Sanchez EQ, Ikegami T, Narasimhan G, McKenna GJ, Chinnakotla S, Levy MF, Goldstein RM, Klintmalm GB
source:Liver Transpl. 2007 Feb;13(2):227-33.
来源:肝移植.2007 Feb;13(2):227-33.
Initial graft function following liver transplantation is a major determinant of postoperative survival and morbidity. Primary graft nonfunction (PNF) is uncommon; however, it is one of the most serious and life-threatening conditions in the immediate postoperative period.
The risk factors associated with PNF and short-term outcome have been previously reported, but there are no reports of long-term follow-up after retransplant for PNF.
At our institution, 52 liver transplants had PNF (2.22%) among 2,341 orthotopic liver transplants in 2,130 patients from 1984 to 2003. PNF occurred more often in the retransplant setting. Female donors, donor age, donor days in the intensive care unit, cold ischemia time, and operating room time were significant factors for PNF.
Patient as well as graft survival of retransplant for PNF was not different compared to retransplant for other causes. However, PNF for a second or third transplant did not demonstrate long-term survival, and hospital mortality was 57%.
In conclusion, retransplant for PNF in the initial transplant can achieve relatively good long-term survival; however, if another transplant is needed in the setting of a second PNF, the third retransplant should probably not be done due to poor expected outcome
Uemura T及其同事对移植肝原发性失功再次肝移植的效果进行了研究,结果发表在2007.2的《肝移植》(影响因子:4.225)。肝移植后移植物的最初功能事术后存活和发病的主要决定因素。原发性移植物失功(PNF)虽然并不常见,但却是术后短期内可引起严重影响甚至危机生命的原因之一。与PNF有关的危险因子及其短期后果以前曾被报道,但还未见PNF再移植后长期随访的相关报道。在作者所在单位,1984到2003年间有2130名患者进行了2341例原位肝移植,其中有52例肝移植发生了PNF(2.22%)。PNF在再移植病例中更为常见。女性供体、供体年龄、供体在特护中心的天数、冷缺血的时间和手术时间是PNF的重要因素。与其它原因引起的再移植相比,由PNF引起的再移植中患者和移植物存活率并没有不同。然而,由PNF引起的第二次或第三次移植并不能证明长期的存活,医院内死亡率为57%。总之,因初次移植发生PNF进行的再移植可以获得相对较好的长期存活率;但是,如果病例发生第二次PNF而需要再次移植时,由于预期效果较差,第三次再移植可能并不需要。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-07 18:33