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Main Category: Cancer / Oncology News
Article Date: 09 Oct 2006 - 7:00am (PDT)
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Bones / Orthopaedics
A new paper from Drs. Judy Wong and Kathleen Collins (UC Berkeley) in the October 15th issue of G&D reveals a molecular mechanism underlying bone marrow failure in the X-linked human disease, dyskeratosis congenita (DC). DC is a rare, progressive bone marrow failure syndrome that is fatal early on in life. Working with cells derived from DC patients, Drs. Wong and Collins demonstrate that X-linked DC cells are unable to renew themselves because they cannot maintain sufficiently long telomeres to support proliferation. The researchers go on to show that these defects in telomere maintenance are caused by a reduction in telomerase RNA, rather than a deficiency in ribosome biogenesis, as some other groups have hypothesized. Dr. Collins is hopeful that "our studies to understand disease mechanism will aid ongoing clinical efforts to develop disease therapies."
### 呵呵,讨点便宜,这个我也认领了。
呵呵,不好意思,前天有事出去了,今天早上才回到实验室,看到了楼下的翻译,学习了一下,好。 呵呵,久等未见结果,我就先贴了,欢迎指教!
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在UC Berkeley工作的Judy Wong 和Kathleen Collins博士在10月份G&D杂志第十五版上发表了一篇新的报道,该报道揭示了人类X-连锁疾病中的骨髓衰竭病,即先天性角化不良(DC)的潜在的分子机制。DC是一种罕见的、进展迅速的骨髓衰竭综合征,它在早期就具有致死性。通过研究来源于DC病人的细胞,Wong 和 Collins博士证明X-连锁的DC细胞不能自我恢复,因为它们不能维持足够长度的支持细胞增殖的端粒。同时研究者还进一步表明这些端粒修复功能的缺陷是由于端粒酶RNA的减少所引起的,而非象其他研究者所假设的那样是由于核糖体生物合成缺乏所致。Collins博士希望他们关于疾病机制的研究可以为不断进步的临床努力提供帮助,发展疾病的治疗方法。
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-07 05:11