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Ticking time bomb faced by China's ageing population
Jane Qiu
China has 6 million patients with dementia and, with a rapidly ageing population, is estimated to have 1 million new cases every year. Faced with this ticking time bomb, it is crucial for the government to plan policy and allocate health and welfare resources for the future. Jane Qiu reports.
Mr Feng was crouching in a dark corner, indifferent to the visitors. At the age of 80, he did not recognise his family most of the time and relied on his daughter-in-law, Mrs Liu, for basic daily needs. “What can you do?” sighed Mrs Liu, who left her job as a teacher to be a full-time carer. “People get old and this is what they become. It's normal.” Mr Feng was one of the 34807 people over 55 years old visited by Zhang Zhen-xin, a neurologist at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and her team during a 6-year epidemiological study on the prevalence of dementia in China.
“This was the typical perception of dementia at the time”, explains Zhang. “Many doctors couldn't diagnose the condition correctly even in the face of the most obvious symptoms.” For a long time, dementia was regarded as a disease of developed countries and so was not an issue in China. Some people suggested that this was due to genetic disposition of the Chinese population, whereas others argued that dementia was a result of industrialisation. However, Zhang's results are alarming and have forever changed the landscape of dementia, not only in China but also worldwide.
Zhangand colleagues found that the prevalence of dementia in China is similar to that in developed countries. This amounts to 6 million people with dementia in China, constituting a quarter of all such patients in the world. With China's rapidly ageing population, the number is rising quickly. There are estimated to be more than 1 million new cases in China every year—that is, two new cases of dementia every minute. “We are faced with a ticking time bomb”, says Zhang. “The government must begin to plan policy and allocate health and welfare resources for the future.” 本人认领此文,若48小时未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 Lancet Neurology 2007; 6:582-583
Ticking time bomb faced by China's ageing population
Jane Qiu
China has 6 million patients with dementia and, with a rapidly ageing population, is estimated to have 1 million new cases every year.
Faced with this ticking time bomb, it is crucial for the government to plan policy and allocate health and welfare resources for the future. Jane Qiu reports.
Jane Qiu报道说:“面对这个定时炸弹,对政府来说为将来的发展制定政策,合理分配保健和福利资源是非常重要的。
Mr Feng was crouching in a dark corner, indifferent to the visitors. At the age of 80, he did not recognise his family most of the time and relied on his daughter-in-law, Mrs Liu, for basic daily needs.
“What can you do?” sighed Mrs Liu, who left her job as a teacher to be a full-time carer. “People get old and this is what they become. It's normal.”
Mr Feng was one of the 34807 people over 55 years old visited by Zhang Zhen-xin, a neurologist at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and her team during a 6-year epidemiological study on the prevalence of dementia in China.
“This was the typical perception of dementia at the time”, explains Zhang. “Many doctors couldn't diagnose the condition correctly even in the face of the most obvious symptoms.”
For a long time, dementia was regarded as a disease of developed countries and so was not an issue in China.
Some people suggested that this was due to genetic disposition of the Chinese population, whereas others argued that dementia was a result of industrialisation.
However, Zhang's results are alarming and have forever changed the landscape of dementia, not only in China but also worldwide.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-27 11:48