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Blood Inflammation Linked To Alzheimer’s
By: Psych Central News Editor
Researchers discover individuals who have a particular protein in their blood are at high risk to develop Alzheimer’s later in life. The proteins, called cytokines, are messengers that trigger inflammation.
The study is published in Neurology®, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Participants in the investigation, a part of the larger Framingham Heart Study, included 691 healthy people with an average age of 79.
Blood tests determined whether the participants had signs of inflammation. Then the participants were followed for an average of seven years. During that time, 44 of the participants developed Alzheimer’s disease.
The participants’ blood was tested for levels of cytokines, which are protein messengers that trigger inflammation.
Those with the highest amount of cytokines in their blood were more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as those with the lowest amount of cytokines. A total of 28 percent of the women and 30 percent of the men had high levels of cytokines, yet they made up 42 percent of the cases of Alzheimer’s disease.
“These results provide further evidence that inflammation plays a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease,” said study author Zaldy Tan, MD, MPH, of Harvard Medical School in Boston.
“The production of these cytokines may be a marker of future risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”
The study was supported by grants from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the National Institute on Aging, the Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center, and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s Framingham Heart Study. 本文已认领,48小时未提交译文,请再认领 Blood Inflammation Linked To Alzheimer’s
By: Psych Central News Editor
Researchers discover individuals who have a particular protein in their blood are at high risk to develop Alzheimer’s later in life. The proteins, called cytokines, are messengers that trigger inflammation.
研究人员发现,有些人的血液中含有一种特殊的蛋白质,使其在后期的生活中具有患阿尔茨海默病高风险性。该蛋白被叫做炎症介质 我想文章中主的是AD和慢性 非特异性炎症有关.是和一组反映慢性炎症的细胞因子有关,可能是CRP或其他,但是不是"细胞活素"吧?
慢性炎症和胰岛素抵抗、AD、肿瘤都有一定关系. 适当编译... 个人意见,仅供参考:
1. 正如slsl2002战友所想,本文的cytokines即指炎性细胞因子,如IL-1、TNF、IL-6、CRP等,是关键词,可惜zls7323a战友译为“细胞活素”了。请参见原论文摘要http://neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/68/22/1902。
2. The study is published in Neurology®, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
该研究结果发表在美国神经病学会出版的《神经病学》杂志上。 不知谁有这篇文章的全文文献,本人急需!谢谢!如那位战友能查到请发Email: jiangwendoc@163.com 谢谢! 我也需要该文章全文,望那位战友能分享一下,谢谢
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-25 15:19