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【科技新闻】New Nanomaterial Fuses Spider Silk and Sili
June 14, 2006
New Nanomaterial Fuses Spider Silk and Silica
Researchers have created a novel nanomaterial that combines the strength of spider silk with the rigidity of silica. The product could help pave the way for the fabrication of replacement bones.
Regrowing bone requires a scaffold that is stiff, long-lasting and safe. With that in mind, David Kaplan of Tufts University and his colleagues decided to marry the protein that constitutes the drag lines of golden silk orb weaver spiders with the protein that helps diatoms--a subset of plankton--make silica, a glasslike compound. The spider-silk protein alone "just doesn't have the stiffness you want, that's why you need the glass," Kaplan says.
After splicing the two proteins together, the team then processed the resulting chimeric protein into both films and fibers and tested the result. As hoped, the films and fibers created dense silica coatings for themselves. By using electric current or varying conditions, the researchers could also control the size and shape of the resulting materials. "We were able to control and bring it down to two microns [wide]," adds team member Cheryl Wong Po Foo of Tufts. "We're going into the nanoscale range."
Initial tests of the nanomaterial's medical potential is being conducted in vitro, but the researchers hope to try it out in animals in the near future, using it to help guide the growth of a hip replacement, for example. The possibilities do not end there, however. The chimeric protein forms this material at low temperatures and without chemicals other than water.
Current industrial practices for making silica require high heat and ionic extremes. "You can think of high performance materials made via an aqueous, room temperature, green chemistry," Kaplan notes. The research is being published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. --David Biello 频道:纳米技术;2006年7月14号
骨的再生要求的骨架材料应该是坚硬的、耐受时间长的、安全无毒的。但着这样的概念,Tufts大学的David Kaplan及其同事决定将构成金色、圆形的丝织物的纺织者——蜘蛛的拖曳丝的蛋白与帮助海洋硅藻——浮游生物的一个类群制造硅的蛋白,一种玻璃样化合物,结合起来。Kaplan说:“仅仅是蜘蛛丝蛋白当然不能满足你想要的硬度,这就是为什么你还需要玻璃样的物质。”
在将两种蛋白质结合后,研究小组进一步将这种设计出来的蛋白制成薄膜和纤维两种形式并检测结果。正如所希望的那样,薄膜和纤维在其自身表面建立起了一层浓密的硅质涂层。通过使用电流或其它各种条件,研究者们也可以控制得到的材料的形状和大小。“我们可以控制结果并使其减小到2微米(宽),”研究小组成员,Tufts的Cheryl Wong Po Foo说:“我们正在进入纳米规模的领域。”
关于纳米材料在医疗上的潜在应用的最初的实验正在体外进行,但是研究者们希望在不久的将来能够对该种材料进行动物实验,比如说,用于引导复制的臀部的生长。然而,可能发生的结果还不仅于此,设计出的蛋白是在低温和除水外没有其他化学制剂的条件下形成这种的材料的。现行的制造硅的工业方法要求高温、高压(?ionic extremes,翻成高压合适吗?)。“你完全可以设想通过水溶液,在室温下的绿色化学的方法生产高性能材料。”Kaplan强调说。该研究将于本周发表在《国家科学研究院进展》的在线杂志上。——David Biello报道。
请指教! 这篇新闻报道一种新材料的诞生,它可以用于像骨一样的器官再生的内部骨架材料。器官再生,我担心是否理解错了,在体外治长一个器官出来,然后再移植吗?现在都到了这种程度了?请各位专业人士指点迷津。还有,我认为特别应该重视的是报道中提到的环境友好的绿色化学,这现在对中国很有意义。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-25 17:43