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For Kids, One Sport or Many?

When young children take an interest in a sport, parents face a dilemma. Do you encourage a single sport starting at an early age, which can lead to a high skill level, competition and scholarships in the teen years? Or do you enroll your kids in several sports, exposing them to many activities and interests?

It’s a question many parents are no doubt mulling in the wake of the Olympics, where we were wowed by the single-minded dedication of Michael Phelps, who started swimming at the age of 11, and gymnast Shawn Johnson, who began her training at age 3.

But while dedication to a single sport at a young age paid off for these athletes, pediatricians warn that many more kids experience overuse injuries and burnout as a result of focusing on just one sport. Last year, the medical journal Pediatrics examined the problem of overuse injuries and burnout in adolescent athletes.

As my Well column in today’s Science Times notes, growing bones can’t handle the same stresses as mature bones. When a child specializes in one sport early in life, certain body parts — the arm of a Little League pitcher, the spine of a gymnast — are subjected to repetitive stress and overuse. Especially among young soccer players, there has been an alarming rise in injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament, the main ligament that stabilizes the knee joint — a particular concern because repair involves drilling into a growth plate, an area of developing tissue at the end of the leg bone.

Burnout is also a worry, and it’s important for both parents and kids to identify what the child’s goals really are, the journal notes.

The ultimate goal of youth participation in sports should be to promote lifelong physical activity, recreation, and skills of healthy competition that can be used in all facets of future endeavors…. Unfortunately, too often the goal is skewed toward adult (parent/coach) goals either implicitly or explicitly. The parent often hopes the child will get a scholarship, become a professional athlete, or fulfill the parents’ unfulfilled childhood dreams. It is best to identify and focus on the child’s motivation and goals to provide guidance.

The solution to overuse injuries and burnout is not to curb a child’s sports participation. Instead, encourage a variety of sports that develop different skills and use different body parts. For instance, swimming is probably not a good choice if the goal is to rest the shoulder of a Little League pitcher. But combining activities like track and golf or gymnastics and tennis will give over-used muscles a break, while still keeping a child physically active.

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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-10 17:11