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【drug-news】诺华老总以身试药: 喜欢辉瑞的立比妥

Novartis CEO Vasella: Satisfied Lipitor Customer
Posted by Jeanne Whalen

引自华尔街健康博客 1月3日

Novartis sells a cholesterol-fighter called Lescol. But Novartis CEO Daniel Vasella, who has high cholesterol, says he takes Pfizer’s Lipitor instead.

Vasella’s choice isn’t a sign of disloyalty. He tried Lescol twice, but it didn’t agree with him. “I have side effects on our own lipid-lowering drug,” he told the Health Blog during a recent trip we took to Novartis HQ in Basel. “I don’t have them on Lipitor, so I take Lipitor. It’s funny but it’s true.”

Vasella (pictured) revealed his Lipitor use to make the point that people can respond differently to drugs of the same type. Both Lescol and Lipitor are statins. So, he said, it’s important for patients and doctors to have a choice of products in the same class.

Pfizer’s gain in Vasella’s case is just another blow to Lescol. Compared to other statins, Lescol has been a disappointment. Since its launch in 1994, the drug’s global sales have never topped $1 billion a year, while Lipitor has lately pulled in more than $10 billion a year. Lescol is generally viewed as less potent than other statins. Novartis has tried to counter this by charging less for the drug, and by emphasizing its solid safety record. But that strategy has failed to turn Lescol into a blockbuster.

Both Lescol and Lipitor have been having a tough time of late, as generic statins eat into sales of brand-name drugs. Lipitor’s global sales fell 3% in the first nine months of 2007 to $9.2 billion as many patients switched to generic versions of other statins. Lescol’s sales fell 8% globally to $502 million in the first nine months of 2007, also due to generic competition. Outside the U.S. Lescol faces direct generic competition, and stateside, generic versions of other statins–especially simvastatin, Merck’s old Zocor–are taking a toll.

Come to think of it, we wish we’d asked Vasella about simvastatin. He could have kept his statin choice inside the Novartis family by taking the version of that medicine made by the company’s Sandoz generic unit. And he probably could save a few Swiss francs 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 首页的相关新闻


55岁的诺华老总,CEO Daniel Vasella是学医出身. 他本人患有高血脂症, 但他平时服用的降血脂药不是诺华产的 Lescol, 而是挥瑞的立比妥, 为什么呢? 因为他曾经二次尝试服用过 Lescol, 有明显副作用, 换用立比妥后,效果不错. 所以就一直用诺华竞争对手的药.

诺华的 Lescol 自从94年上市后,一直销售不顺利, 从来也没突破十亿美元的销售额,尽管公司试验过不同的促销策略,包括降价, 但因为先天不足无缘迈入重磅药家族的门槛. 不象立比妥那样战绩辉煌,几年都突破百亿美元的年销售额. Daniel Vasella博士最近对媒体披露的这一个人秘密, 这对辉瑞来说是最有力的支持和促销广告, 辉瑞欠他一笔代言人服务费.

有这么牛的代言人主动为辉瑞产品说好话, 对辉瑞实在是件意想不到的收获. 但是由于默克老药 Zocor的仿制产品已经上市,对辉瑞的立比妥已形成不小冲击, 去年前三季度的报表显示, 该药销售下滑3%,为92亿美元, 诺华的Lescol,更惨,销售下滑8%,只取得5亿美元销售. 不知道Daniel Vasella博士是否尝试过Zocor,对其评价如何? 仿制药的价格只有他服用品牌药的十分之一, 他会为仿制药代言吗? 除非太阳从西边升起!

从Daniel Vasella博士实事求是和实话实说的风格, 让,我们欣赏到一位药业巨头主帅务实,客观和公正的态度和科学家风范. 我们希望所有药厂及其销售代表在宣传推广自己公司产品时, 能保持这种态度, 不要一味地说自己产品好,或一味说别人产品不好, 用事实和数据说话, 好坏都要说, 让医生和患者更全面了解药品的价值和风险, 这才是讲科学和诚信的营销售模式.

最后不得不提一下国内有的药厂老总的坦诚相告: "我从来不吃自己厂生产的药, 因为我知道这些药是如何研制生产的". 这种"坦诚和大胆" 与Daniel Vasella博士形成鲜明对照, 君不知,在国外这样的老总是注定要坐牢的!

http://www.dxy.cn/blog/jinwsapa/article/i775.html Novartis CEO Vasella: Satisfied Lipitor Customer

诺华老总以身试药: 喜欢辉瑞的立比妥

引自华尔街健康博客 1月3日

Novartis sells a cholesterol-fighter called Lescol. But Novartis CEO Daniel Vasella, who has high cholesterol, says he takes Pfizer’s Lipitor instead.

来适可是诺华公司销售的降胆固醇药,但诺华CEO Daniel Vasella却服用辉瑞公司的立普妥来降血脂。







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-09-19 05:14